part 25

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School has already started and it's pretty good. I had to change my schedule around so I can go to vo-tech next year so I'm going to be in band. Yay me!  (not)  I get home and relax and end up falling asleep and when I wake up I have two messages from Shane. I flip out and can't even put in the right password for my phone. When I finally get it I read the messages.

*hey. *

* never mind I guess your not going to talk to me. *

I reply.

* hey sorry I was asleep. *

* it's fine forget it.*

I couldnt handle it no more I finally blew up. I told him that he just can't expect me to come running back to him every time something gets bad between him and her and he can't expect me to just not find anyone else cause it's not fair for him to date someone and get mad when I start seeing someone. 

* I'm dying. * he said.

* I'm sorry but it's the truth. *

* no I mean like really dying. I went to the doctor and they give me about 3 months to live. *

At this point I started crying.

*what how? *

* they said I have this thing where your insides grow faster then they should. *

*omg. *

*yeah. *

*this isn't fair. *

*why? It's not like I'll be missed. I mean you hate me now. And what's the point. Everyone will be so much better without me.*

When I read that I couldn't help but break down. I couldn't handle it. The one person that meant the world to me is going to die in less than 3 months. Why? Why does something have to be taken from me that means so much to me. This can't happen.

* just know that whatever happens that I love you and that I'm sorry for everything that I have done and that I will always love you. * he said.

*i love you too....*

After that I didn't know what to do. The next day I could barely get out of bed. I didn't want to. But I had to. I didn't say one word to anyone not even my parents. I couldn't. I was afraid that If I said something I would break down. I didn't want to lose him. Not yet. I couldn't stand the thought of it.

After a couple days I started feeling better and was able to eat without getting sick to my stomach. I havent talked to Shane since that night and everyday I wonder if he's alright. Tonight we have a big football game that everyone called the battle of 82 I texted Shane and asked him if he was going and he said no that he has to work tomorrow so I just left it alone.

That night after the game was over he called me and asked me if I wanted him to come over and hangout for a bit and I said sure. He brought his brother and we talked for a bit and he told me to have Korey come outside so his brother would have someone to talk to while me and him talked. When she came outside there wasn't any talking going on. They went somewhere and Shane and I talked about what was going on and how about him and her are going to get a tattoo, her's is going to have his name on it and his is going to have her name on it. I wasn't too happy after he told me that. But I didn't say anything. They didn't leave until after two in the morning. I was happy to see him but I was sad he had to go. After that I didn't hear from him.

Korey wasnt dating Bryan no more and one night he messaged me and told me that he liked me and everything and I didn't know what to do or think.

A couple days went by and we talked and I haven't told Korey yet cause I know how she would react. We were on the church van and she asked who I was talking to and I finally told her. She was mad and didn't want me to talk to him but I wanted to. That Friday I had a game and he wanted to come and see me and Korey went but she didn't know he was coming. When he got there I met him and we talked for a bit and then Korey showed up.

"So what? Your going to go after my cousin now?" she said to him.

I walked away and I could hear her yelling at him. And when I walked back up to her I just looked at him.

"Do you want to go sit down?" I asked him.

"yeah. "

We went and found a seat and sat down. It was weird and awkward for awhile then I broke the silence and started talking to him about random stuff, and come to find out my school was playing his school. It was nice to get to talk to him but I still felt bad cause it was Koreys ex. We sit there and he reached for my hand but I pulled away. I got up and said I would be back and he said okay.

When I got back one of his friends were sitting by him and I didn't know what to say so I just went and talked to some of my friends and came back and sat down. I was looking away and he said hey and when I looked at him he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't know what to do I just smiled and started watching the game again.

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