Part 19.

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       After we are done Korey walks in about the time. Korey says that she has to do her work now and I tell her that we weren't doing anything anyways, so I lean up and Shane gets off the bed and sits in the floor. I start doing my work then I get stuck at a problem and the rest are the same so I ask Shane to help me. I hand him my paper and when he hands it back they are all done. I give Korey my paper cause she gets stuck at the same problem and she copies my paper and when we are done we go outside and walk up and down my road.
           We get to the top of my road and Shane takes my hand in his and we walk back down to my house. When we get down there my mom says that we are going to take him home. I ask Korey to ride with me. We get in the car and we head to drop him off. We make out the whole way there and when he gets out he tells me that he loves me and shuts the door.

      When we pull out of his driveway Korey wants me to tell her everything that happened but I didn't until we got home. When I told her everything that happened she couldn't believe it, and I couldn't either.

      That night Shane and I text forever about how much fun we had and about how we couldn't wait to do it again.

      The next day I waited for him to come talk to me at lunch. When I seen him he gave me this dirty look and walked up the hallway. I didn't know what to think so many thoughts were going through my head. My head started spinning and I couldn't breath and the walls were closing in on me the room was spinning. I grab a hold of Lea and she asked me what was wrong and told her that I couldn't breath and the room is spinning. I sit down and call my mom and have her come get me.

       When she got there she asked me what happened and I told her everything that happened, and She told me that I might have had a panic attack. When we got home I went to my room and went to sleep. My mom woke me up a couple of times to check on me. The last time I get woken up was from Korey. She was coming over to check on me. I sit up and she asked me  what happened and I told her everything and she told me that he isn't worth it.

        That night I started feeling better and the next morning I woke up I couldn't breath it felt like someone punched me in the chest. I asked my mom to take me to the doctor. When I got there I was kinda nervous on what they were going to say. I don't know why I did but I text Shane and told him that I was going to the doctor and surprisingly he text back asking why. I told him that I couldn't breathe and all he said was that sucks. It made me mad cause that was all he said. Nothing else just that sucks. I told him that I will tell him what the doctor said after I find out.

        When the doctor told me that I had stress and depression it took me awhile to believe it. She told me that I have to start counseling. She told me that it would help me lower my panic attacks, cause I could possibly have more.

      After we left I text and tell Shane just that. The only thing he said was" that sucks"  and that just made me even more upset, I didn't text him back and then after awhile he finally did.

*I think we should stop what we are doing cause I'm trying to change.*

*okay. Why didn't you tell me this before we did what we did?*

*cause I wasn't for sure if I wanted to stop or not. I'm really sorry. *

*whatever I got to go.*

*yeah whatever.*

*I have to go take my meds, bye*


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