Part 28.

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That next day I got up and walked in the living room and my mom is sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong? Your eyes are really puffy and red."

" Crying the whole night does that to you."

" Why was you crying?"

"Nothing mom."

"Okay. Well why you up so early? You usually ride with Korey to school."

"Well not today."

" Okay well have a good day at school. Love you. "

"Love you too mom."

When I get on the bus I sit there and wonder why Korey would do that to me. She's my cousin. It hurts more that she would would do that. After sitting there for awhile I decided that I wasn't going to say anything I was going to act like every thing was fine. To see who would tell me first.

When I got to school I went to my locker and found some of my friends and talked to them then I see Korey come in and she sees me and starts walking my way. I turn and head to my first class. She text me and asked me why I didn't ride with her and why I walked to my first class without saying anything when I seen her walking up to me. I text her back and say I was up the whole night so I just got dressed and got on the bus and I didn't see you. Sorry. She didn't text back.

After school was over she text me asking if I was going to ride home with her and I said yeah. I didn't want to ride the bus home.

I find her and we go to her car and get in.

"Why didn't you sleep the whole night?"

"Because just thinking and stuff."

"Oh okay."

"Yeah. How did you sleep?"

"Good. Didn't go to sleep until late."

"Yeah I seen that Shane didn't leave until late."

"Yeah we was talking and stuff."


The rest of the way home we didn't say much to each other. When we got to the house she went to hers and I went to mine. When I get to my room I went to sleep. My mom came in about 7 and told me supper was ready. I told her that I wasn't hungry. She said okay and left. I checked my phone and had a text from Shane.

*Hey, are you okay?*

*Yeah why?*

*Well Korey told me you didn't really talk to her today and that you didn't sleep the whole night and that your eyes were red and puffy. *

* Well I'm fine. Don't worry about it.*

*Okay Well I got to get back to work. I love you.*


After that he didn't say anything. He came over after he got off of work and he kept trying to get me to tell him what was wrong and I just kept saying nothing. He left after an hour and then went over to Koreys again. I just laughed. I went to my room and went to sleep.

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