3. The concert.

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After some time of running i started to walk. It was so peaceful outside. It was only me on the street. I was so excited that i was gonna see my favorite band and meet them. Then my phone started to ring and ruined all the silence: Mom. So my aunt called mom. Awesome. I wasn't gonna pick up, she won't ruin my night. The phone stopped ringing but then i got a lot of messages. I didn't even bother to look. I wasn't getting back home until after the concert. I finally got to Hailey's house where she was waiting for me.

'' I was scared you wouldn't come. What took you so long?'' Hailey asked.

'' My aunt didn't let me leave so i had to make a run for it. She almost caught me.''

'' Well, i'm glad you made it. Let's go.''

We took the bus that was going to get us to the arena where the show was. We got there and waited in line to enter for what seemed like a million years. We finally got in and tried to make our way in front of the crowd. I couldn't believe in just some minutes my favorite band was going to be right in front of me. It was just perfect. Then my phone started to ring again. She really wasn't going to destroy this so i closed my phone. Then everybody started screaming as the band came on stage. First came James then Cameron, Sam, Ben and Denis. They started with Welcome as they usually do and then Breathless. They were so good and i was so happy. After 5 songs i realized i didn't know where Hailey was. I opened my phone to try to call her but saw a message saying she got somewhere in the back and that we'll meet up in front of the arena after the band meeting so i continued to enjoy the concert. They finished with Not The American Average and got off the stage. Everybody started to leave as some of the people were going to the meet up. I was so excited. I was feeling my heart racing. I thought Hailey got to meet them before me because i couldn't see her. Then it was my turn to meet them.


I entered the room really scared. What if they won't like me? Did Hailey meet them? How was it?

'' Hi.'' i said shyly. Everbody turned looking at me. What was i supposed to do now? Okay, act cool.

I got some photos and some stuff signed up and then started to talk with them a little. I said that it was my first time seeing  them perform and that the show was amazing. They looked really happy to hear that. Then the manager entered the room saying i had to leave so the next person could come in. I waved at all the guys and got to the door but i remembered. The drawing. I got it out of my backpack, run up to Denis and gave him the drawing. For a moment he didn't understand because i was just sitting there in silence. Then he realized it was a drawing of him.

'' This is so fucking good. Did you do it?''

'' Yep.'' i answered quickly. He liked it. This was perfect.

'' Thanks.'' he said with a smile on his face.

That smile... he was adorable. I was so lucky i got to meet him.

I got to the door and left leaving the next fan to go meet them. I was close to getting out of the arena when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Denis standing in front of me with a little paper and a pen.

'' Maybe we'll come back here soon. Why don't you write your number here? Maybe we can meet to show me some of your drawings.''

I froze there. Was this real? Was he really asking for my number?

'' Yeah, sure.'' i answered writing my number and handing him the paper back.

'' Cool, i'll text you soon.''

And then he leaved. I walked out of the arena seeing Hailey playing on her phone waiting for me.

'' Ah, finally. I got to be the first one to meet them.'' she said smiling at me.

I was still in shock.

'' Are you okay?'' she asked quickly

'' You won't believe this. Denis asked for my number.''

''Stop joking, let's go home.''

'' I'm serious.''

She looked me straight in the eye with an amazed figure.

'' You are serious.''


A/N: Hope you liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun doing it. And i hope this is not too bad and some of you are liking  it. :)

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