6. I've never been happier.

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'' Hey.'' he said smiling at me.

'' Hi.'' i smiled back.

'' So, we should leave. What do you wanna see first? We can go to a museum, an art gallery, a library-''

'' Just show me your favorite place.'' he said smiling.

'' Um, okay sure.'' i said surprised at the fact he wanted to see my favorite place.

We started to walk on the street making our way to an old park. We were both silent as we didn't really knew each other.

'' So where are we going?'' he broke the silence.

'' An old park not too far away from here. It's really peaceful as not many people go there. So it's kind of my own quiet place.

'' Cool, i'm excited to see it.'' he said smiling at me.

'' So, i don't even know your name.''

'' My name is Alexis.'' i responded.

'' That's a nice name.''

'' Thanks. I guess your name is cool too.'' i said laughing.

I started to feel a bit more comfortable as we talked. He found out we were the same age, which i already knew. We found out we had a lot in common actually.


We got to the park. It was surrounded by a big fence stopping the people from entering.

'' Is this it?'' he asked me.

I nodded my head as i started to climb up the fence.

'' Breaking the rules already. I like it.'' he said laughing as he started to climb up with me.

We started to walk through the old park.

'' So why is it closed?''

'' I don't know. It's been like this since i knew it.''

We walked until we got to a lake. That's where i always stayed when i wanted to be leaved alone because nobody came here. But look at me now, i'm in my secret place with Denis Stoff.

'' So how many people know about this place?''

'' You're the only one.'' i said smiling, not looking at him.

'' You're serious?''

'' Yep.''

'' Well thanks for sharing it with me. I'll keep it secret.''

It was autumn so the place looked beautiful. I sat down on the leaves as Denis did the same. We just sat there in silence admiring the scenery. My backpack fell on the leaves opening as all my drawings fell out of it. I didn't paid attention but the drawing really caught Denis attention.

'' Can i look at them?'' he asked me picking them up.

'' Sure. Go ahead.''

'' These are awesome!''

'' Thank you.''

'' You're really amazing.'' he said making me smile.

'' And you have a beautiful smile.'' he continued.

'' You too.'' i said blushing.

'' Thank you.''

'' It's getting late and i have school tomorrow. So i kind of have to get back home.''

'' Let me walk you back home.''

We walked back to my house in the cold night. This day got away so fast. Probably because i felt good spending my day with him. Then we got to my house.

'' What about me picking you up from school tomorrow so we can go to the park?''

'' Yeah, sure. Here's the adress.'' i said texting him the adress.

'' Okay then. Sleep well beautiful.'' he said pulling me into a hug.

'' You too.'' i said entering the house.

I was smiling like an idiot.

''Who was that?'' my mother asked me as i entered the house.

'' Why do you care?''

'' Was he from your school? Why does he have so many tattoos? Why did he hug you?''

'' Mom stop!''

'' I want to know who he is Alexis.''

'' It doesn't matter.''

I run up the stairs into my bedroom locking the door. Sometimes she just asked to many questions and i didn't want to answer because she would ruin my day. And this was an amazing day.


I got to sleep thinking about him. He called me beautiful. And hugged me. He was just friendly but i felt so good in his arms. I've never been happier.


A/N: Hope you liked this chapter because i loved writing it. :)

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