4. I can't believe this.

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We decided to walk to Hailey's house where i was going to spend my night. I wasn't going back home right now. I just wanted to sleep. Everything that happened was spinning in my head. Then Hailey broke the silence.

'' So how did this happen?''

'' Let's not talk about me. How were the guys?'' i tried to change the subject.

'' They were really cool and Ben complimented my green hair.''

'' Really? I think you're really happy.'' i said remembering Ben was Hailey's favorite member.

'' Yeah, i am. Now you have to tell me.''

'' What is is to tell? I met them, i was on my way of leaving and i remembered i had a drawing for Denis so i handed him the drawing. Then when i was on my way of getting out the arena he came to me and asked for my number.''

'' And why aren't you happy?''

'' I am but i'm still in shock. I need sleep so i can actually get my thoughts back together.''

'' Okay. Me too.''

We decided we were gonna skip school the next day since we were too tired.We got to Hailey's house and got straight to sleep but i couldn't think of anything else. That smile. How could this happen? What if he's not gonna text me and this is some kind of joke?


The next morning we woke up to the sound of talking downstairs in Hailey's living room.

'' Morning.'' i said sleepy

'' Morning. How did you sleep?'' she asked me with her eyes still closed.

'' I slept well.''

Then the door opened and Hailey's mom entered the room. Hailey's mom is a really cool person and she was used to me being there so she wasn't surprised to see me.

'' Hello Alexis. How are you?''

'' Hello Mrs. Dawn. I'm good thank you.''

'' Mom what happened? Who's downstairs?'' Hailey asked still sleepy.

'' That's why i came here. Alexis, your mom is here.''

Wait, what? My mom was supposed to be back on Sunday. What is she doing here? How did she know i was here? Damn it i'm gonna be in trouble.

'' Wasn't she supposed to be back on Sunday?'' Hailey asked confused.

'' Yeah, she was.''

I got downstairs where my mom was waiting for me.

'' Hi mom. How are y-''

'' Let's go Alexis'' she interrupted me.

'' Bye Hailey. See you on Monday.'' i said as my mom was dragging me out of her house.

I looked at my phone. It was 10 am and we got back from the concert around 2 am. All i wanted was sleep.

'' What was in your head?'' my mom said without looking at me.

'' What do you mean?''

'' I said you can't go to the concert. You're aunt was going crazy when she saw you weren't in the house and the window was open. What if you hurt yourself?''

'' Weren't you supposed to be back on Sunday?'' i tried to change the subject.

'' Yeah, i was but you forced me to come back earlier. You know, you're not getting out of the house all week. Just school.''

'' But-''

'' That's it.''

Shit, she was so mad at me. I got in my room and started to think about last night. Denis asked for my number. I forgot about that. I decided i was gonna wait for him to text me but i was sure it was just a joke. And i had nothing to do all week so i had nothing to lose.


It's been a week since the concert and my mom isn't as mad as she was before. I got home from school and decided i was gonna watch a movie. At the end of the movie i almost feel asleep but out of nowhere i got a text from an unknown number. I was sure it was a prank. I opened the text and immediately been shocked.

'' Hey! This is Denis.''

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