5. The best day ever.

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'' Hey! This is Denis.''

I froze there staring at the screen of my phone. After i realised what was happening i started to panic. I lived this whole week convincing myself he wouldn't text me. Now what? I can't ask my mom. She would ask a lot of questions. I can't call Hailey. It would take to long. For a moment i thought i'll search 'What to do when you're favorite band member texts you' on google but that doesn't usually happen so it wouldn't help. Okay calm down Alexis. Stay cool. It's fine.

'' Hey.'' i replied back.

'' Next week i'll be free and i was thinking about coming to Oregon. Maybe you'll show me the town.''

Okay, it's not fine. I'm not fine. He wants me to show him the town. Calm down, take a deep breath and stop fangirling for a second. I can't do that! I can't stop fangirling.

'' Yeah, sure. I'll show you the town. :)''

Ugh. Why did i do the smiley face?

'' Okay, cool. :)''

Then i realized. It's Thursday and he said next week. That's on Monday. I have 3 days to gain my sanity back. But right now, i had to call Hailey.

'' Hey Alexis. What's up?''

'' Denis texted me.'' i said excited.

'' You're serious?'' she asked

'' Yes i am. He asked me if i can show him the town.''

'' Oh my god you're gonna spend a day with your favorite band member.''

'' A week. He's gonna be here for a week.'' i said smiling at the thought of spending a week with my favorite person ever.

'' Even better. You know, don't forget about your best friend.'' she said laughing.

'' I'll never forget my best friend.''

Then we hung up. I got to sleep thinking about Denis. I was in love with him for almost a year and now i get to spend a week with him? Can't be true. It must be a dream, but it isn't. I fell asleep smiling.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday got away really slow as i spend them at home. My mom grounded me for only a week so on Monday i was free to do whatever i want again. And i already knew how i was gonna spend that day. On Sunday night i got a text from Denis asking when are we gonna meet. I gave him the adress of my house and the hour i came back from school.


On Monday i came back home really excited. I haven't told my mom about all of this and i didn't know if i was gonna tell her. I fixed my make up and my hair then i changed clothes and got my backpack full of drawings. I got downstairs waiting for the doorbell to ring. I didn't want my mother to open the door. She would ask lot of questions. The doorbell rang and my mom was going to open the door.

'' I'll get that.'' i said running to the door.

'' Are you going somewhere?''

'' Yeah i'm going out with a friend.''

'' Okay.''

I looked quickly at my phone to see what time it was. 2 pm. Okay. I took a deep breath and opened the door immediately being face to face with the same brown, long hair, the same eyes, the same tattoos and that beautiful smile i saw at the concert. I was face to face with the man i loved, the one and only, Denis Stoff.


A/N: Sorry this was short. I'm gonna update it a bit later today.

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