16. Christmas preparations.

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I got ready really fast as i was so excited. I loved Christmas and the fact that i was going to spend it with Denis made me really happy. I got into the living room waiting for Denis.

'' What's taking you so long?'' i asked from the living room.

'' Well somebody is impatient today.'' he said getting out of the bedroom.

'' Of course i am. I love Christmas. Now let's go.'' i said taking his hand.

I was so excited i was smiling so much. As we were walking Denis started to laugh.

'' Why are you laughing?''

'' Sorry but your excitement makes me happy too.'' he said smiling.

'' Well it should be. Christmas is amazing.''

'' It is.'' he smiled.

After some minutes we got to the mall.

'' Okay so we both have an hour and then we'll meet back here.'' i said.

'' What? What do you mean? I thought we were gonna get everything together.''

'' Well i have to get you a present too. How is it gonna be secret if you are with me?''

'' But what am i supposed to get Hailey? You're her best friend.''

'' Yeah but you are her friend too now. So good luck.'' i said as i started to walk away.

'' I'm gonna get my revenge later.'' he said laughing.

'' We'll see about that.''

I started to walk through shops searching for gifts. I was so bad with getting people gifts for Christmas even if i loved it. I was just bad. After some searching i got my mom a beautiful dress, Hailey a pair of converse she really liked a long time ago and Ben an Oasis vinyl. But i haven't got Denis a present and i didn't know what i was going to get him. It had to be something special. I was walking through the mall as i walked past a music store. Then it hit me. I had the perfect idea.


I entered the shop and started to look at guitars. They weren't what i was expecting. I wanted to get him a perfect one. Then i came across a beautiful guitar that was an original and it was the only one. It was perfect, i knew it. But it was so much. But it was going to be perfect. I had to get it.

'' Can you wrap it too?'' i asked the guy that was working there.

'' Of course.''

I paid for it and got out as i checked my phone. Perfect timing. An hour passed by and i had to meet up with Denis.

'' Woah. What did you get there?'' he asked seeing the wraped guitar.

He couldn't tell what it was but it was clear it was big.

'' I can't tell you. That's the idea with gifts.'' i smiled teasing him.

'' Okay then if you're not gonna tell me. At least can i help you with whatever it is? It looks heavy.''

'' Yes please. But be careful with it.''

'' I will be.''

'' So how did you do?''

'' I think i did good actually.''

'' Okay then i guess we'll see.'' i smiled.

Before we got back to our apartment we stopped at my mom to see her and talk to her. And as i was there i left Denis' gift there too because i was sure he was going to cheat and try to see what it was. Then we left and got to our apartment where we started to decorate our tree.


After a hour or so it was done and it looked beautiful in our living room.

'' It looks amazing.'' i said smiling.

'' It does.'' Denis said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead.

We were just staying there when i started to back off.

'' Denis i swear i'll beat you up if you will tickle m-''

But it was too late. His hands found my stomach as he started to tickle me. I was trying to tell him to stop between my laugh but i couldn't. After a minute he stopped. I got on the couch as i was trying to calm down after all of that.

'' I said i was going to get my revenge.'' he said laughing.

'' I hate you.'' i said.

'' No you don't.''

'' I do now.'' i said trying to contain my laugh.

'' You're lying.'' he said dropping next to me.

'' I'm not.'' i said trying not to look at him.

'' Then why aren't you looking at me?'' he said taking my head in his hands forcing me to look at him.

I immediately burst into laughter as he did the same.

'' Let's go to sleep.'' he said kissing my forehead.

'' Okay.''

We were sitting in bed as Denis wrapped his arms around me as he usually did.

'' Denis?''

'' Yeah?''

'' I love you.'' i said smiling even if it was dark and he couldn't see me.

'' I love you too beautiful.''


A/N: I really like how this chapter turned up. I think it's really cute. Hope you'll like this too. :)

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