Part 13

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Forbidden love part 13

Danny POV

She said Yes!!! What the fuck is she doing she doesn't love him or does she, she can't start with him he's going to break her even more then she already is does that even make sense no probably not oh well who cares right? But anyway NO Jessica you don't love him and he defiantly doesn't love you, I don't care what he says he can't if he loved her he wouldn't have hit her and if he loved her I wouldn't feel so on edge every time he is around her, don't ask me why but my instincts tell me not to leave her alone with him, but that's exactly what I've just done. Well she did sell her soul to the devil she's stuck now, what if he hits her again and she wants to get out of the relationship, he won't sign the divorce papers that's for sure. I want to go to a mounting and scream that she can't marry him. I feel so strongly about this maybe she's picking up on what Im thinking I really hope she realises he's not the guy for her and he's a complete and utter douce bag anyway, so what if he teaches in a school there are obviously no brains in that guy, if he can beat and abuse a beautiful,funny,talented,amazing,stunning,lively,lovely girl like Jessie she has more qualities then that but those were just a few that came into my head.

Once she said Yes to him, it was to much I had to get out of there, so I ran and ran, I ended up in my dressing room I sunk to the floor, crying my eyes out, I couldn't help it I was a emotional guy, I heard Tom and Will knocking frantically on the door, but I couldn't muster the strength to get up and talk to them the only person I wanted to talk to was Jessie. Why is she being soo stupid I don't get it she's mine! Part of her deep inside her knows that's she mine but a greater part of her doesn't believe that other little part....that's it she doesn't want to marry him but he's probably going to threaten her if she doesn't thats why she sooo willingly said yes! Hope isn't lost she doesn't want to marry him and I know just the way to get her out of this little situation that she so cleverly got herself into.

I hear her voice the other side of the door, and groan in response, I hear a sliding noise as she sits back against the door.

"Danny please open the door I really need to speak to you it about this wedding, I really need you right now"

I stand up, look in the mirror my eyes are red raw from all that crying but I couldn't care less right now the girl of my dreams is getting married to a sick bastard who beats her and she wants to talk to me about this wedding which will kill me. I open the door, she nods to say thank you, I lead her inside and sit down on the sofa next to her, she turns to face me, and I look down at the ring elegantly placed on her finger before looking up into her gorgeous eyes, that used to fill me with soo much love and hope but now only fill me with despair and sorrow.

"Danny, I still want you to be a part of this wedding I know this is going to be hard for you but.... I won't be able to do it without you. I promise you that if he ever hurts me in any physical way I will come and tell you, you have my word on that Dan"

"So what are you asking me to do Jess? Watch the girl I love spend the rest of her life with someone else. When I could have prevented this entire thing, if I hadn't been so stupid with you that one time, none of this would have ever happened, you would have never of met Aaron you wouldn't have fallen in love with him, he wouldn't have beat you and I wouldn't be sitting here now with you asking me to let you slip through my fingers"

"Danny I understand that this is hard for you but he loves......"

"Stop what you're about to say, you and I both know that the last thing he does is love you Jess. If he loved you he wouldn't hit you and he defiantly wouldn't ban you from seeing me. He knows how much you mean to me and he's just afraid that I'm going to steal you from him. If he loved you I wouldn't feel on edge whenever he's around you. And I know that you don't love him, I can tell you don't"

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