Part 11

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Forbidden love part 11

(A/N Short really short actually sorry bout that)

Danny POV

*the next day*

I'm already at the voice even though its six in the morning, but I'm waiting for Jessie to arrive sooo makes sense right? Well I think it does so screw you the people who don't think it makes sense.

*hours later*

Okay still no sign of her its one now and we are meant to start filming now!! I get my pack fitted before going and sitting down in my chair waiting and waiting and waiting for Jessie.....wait there she is god she's beautiful she's smiling she must have broke up with him why would she be happy otherwise? Fuck yeah score one for Danny. Voice are great today, I flirt a lot with Jessie and being her she flirts back with me.


I grab Jessie's arm pulling her away from Tom and Will, I pull her into the corner of the room and embrace her in a hug.

"So Jess now that you are single do you want to do something sometime?"

I look her in the eyes but all I see is hesitation.


"Oh it's fine I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, I should have been more considerate to your feelings seeing as you just broke up with him"

"No Danny listen...."

"Jessie its fine I understand you don't need to speed it out for me, I'm perfectly capable of understanding without you dumbing it down"

I turn to walk away in defeat


She screams I turn back a glimmer of hope showing in my eye, please let her say that she would love to go on a date with me


"I didn't break up with him"

What?! This wasn't meant to happen this was meant to be the start of our beautiful relationship but I guess not. Suddenly the door suddenly swings open, revealing Aaron, he jogs over to Jessie kissing her gently I go to walk away until I hear the words I never wanted to hear come out of his mouth to her

"Jessica Cornish will you marry me?"


To be continued...

Forbidden Love O'J fanficWhere stories live. Discover now