Part 22

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Forbidden love 22

Jessie's POV

I wake up the next day, but this is definitely not my bed or at least it doesn't feel like my bed, as my eyes slowly open I take in my surroundings, all I could remember is going out with Danny last night which must mean I'm in Danny's bed, I sit up panicked but I soon calm down once I realises that he's not in bed with me, which must mean that he gave up his bed for me....aww that sweet. I couldn't wait to see him because we kissed and now it could be cute we could finally be together but I knew Will is going to try to get between us when we go back to the voice tomorrow luckily we get to spend all of today together. I finally pull myself out of bed and I look around for something to change into, I find a t shirt in Danny's wardrobe....he won't mind will he? No I don't think so I am his...what am I to him? I don't actually know what we are now its slightly awkward. I pull my clothes off and pull his t shirt on, before opening the door and leaving the room. I turn into the kitchen and see that sexy Irish man standing in the kitchen making tea and probably toast. I smile and silently creep my way into the kitchen then I ease myself up on to the counter behind him. He turns around and sees me sat on the counter he starts smirking at me before turning back passing me a mug of tea.

"Morning gorgeous how you feeling?"

"Great thanks you?"

"Perfect now you are here"

I blush, he grabs his mug and grabs the plate stuck with toast then he eases up onto the counter next to me. He smiles at me and its a smile full of love and admiration. I blush and look away from him, which makes him grab my chin and turning my head back toward him making me look at him. He doesn't say anything he just looks into my eyes I open my mouth to talk but he shoves a piece of toast into my mouth, I eat the toast while he continues to stare at me. Once I've finished my toast I open my mouth again and he attempts to shove another piece in my mouth, but this time I'm expecting it so I catch his wrists he looks at me a little shocked as I shove it into his mouth but as soon as he's finished eating it he leans forward and catches my lips with his. I feel him smirk into the kiss and he slides off the counter taking both of the empty mugs and placing them to one side then he hungrily devours my mouth, his tongue pushes into way onto my tongue. I slowly break away enjoying every minute of the amazing kiss.

"You really know how to take my breath away"

"I know I do"

He smirks then I hit his chest and his smirk disappears and he fumbles around with his hands making me wonder what's on his mind



"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure of course you can..what is it?"

"Umm I was thinking how amazing its been to get to know you these last couple of weeks, I was a absolute twat to you when we first met and I really wish I could take everything back and I regret the things I thought about you when we first met"

"What did you think about me?"

"I will tell you after I'm finished with what I was going to say okay?"


"Anyway I've loved getting to know you a little more and taking you out on that date last night was a real eye opener for me and this is something I've wanted to ask you for a long time and that is will you be my girlfriend?"





I stare at him in shocked silence I really wish I had managed to say something by now because he looks crushed and defeated. I finally find my voice.

Forbidden Love O'J fanficWhere stories live. Discover now