part 49

312 5 2

Dannys POV

1 week later

I never imagined that I Would be in prison for any reason other than a bar fight. This is complelty going to hurt the band and our record deal and everything else that matters to me. Ive heard from Tom and Will that Jessie is much better and is currently just starting to be able to walk again. Shes shocked from what the police think has happened, because they are totally wrong. Admittedly we havent been on the best of terms but I would never hurt Jess...unless oh shit. Did I hurt her when I was drunk? Oh god i would never be able to live with myself.

Today I did have my court hearing, so I would find out wether, I would be spending the next few years in prison, which of course would do wonders for the bands popularity... no im kinding this will dystroy us. If Mark and Glen dont  kill me, im sure someone will on the inside.

I feel sick to my stomach and I honestly no ides what to do, Im not a violent or dangerous man, instead i am a man we likes an ocasional drink and can admittedly sometimes take it a bit too far. But im not dangerous not to anyone.

The guard comes to my cell door and slides, the little window sideways so he can see in.



"Ive come to take you down"

The door opens and he comes in and handcuffs my hands together. Its a safety procedure I guess. The guard patts me down to ensure I have no weapens on me. Before we take our little stroll down to the van. The journey there is filled with my thourghts what am I meant to say? Will Jessie be there? Will she help me out or will she stay silent? Does she still love me? or would she like to see me rot in jail? No shes not that type of person... Oh I dont know!

The Van comes to a sudden stop and the Guards open the side enterance to the van to let me out, there are hundreds of people waiting there, fans that used to adore me screen my name. Reports that once wanted to know what was going on with me and Jessie again want to find out what was going on between me and Jessie and the hardest part? This time I dont know myself. As i enter the court room I glance around. Jessies there along with Holly. 

The hearing starts, its all fancy old words, the court acutally doesnt have anything to find my guilty of other than Jessies bruises. She hasnt given a statement and she told the inspector that I didnt do it which just leaves a question of who did?

Im pretty confident that I will be let go now. 

"How does the jury find MR O'Donoghue?"

A short fat man with a limping mustache stands up and clears his throat with a solid cough

"Not guilty"

I start smiling like an idiot of course, but the judge looks at me again.

"Mr O'Donoghue you have been cleared of any phyisical violence towards Miss Cornish.- However, you have been found guilty of harboring Class A illegal drugs and you have been sentanced for Life"




No this cant be happening. I get up from my seat and try to race over to Jessie but I have to leave I shout to her to tell her that i ahve a genuine reason and that its not what it seems, but she dismisses me with a wave of her hand.


Jessie never did come to visit. But her dad did which was nice of him, he told me that he would tell Jessie everything that i told him about why I had them. He also informed me that Jessie was due to Marry an office worker from Cambridge, obviously I am gutted that shes not getting Married to me but im glad that shes finally happy with someone who will treat her right and who knows maybe she'll be mine again....someday.



I am so sorry that I have taken years to update this story, it hurts me to. But If you want to know where ive been read 'My story' and everything will be explained to you. As always thank you guys for reading and i will see you soon.



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