Part 18

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Forbidden love part 18

Danny's POV

Jessie is almost mine, I listened in on her little conversation with Tom and no she is not right for Will he's like 12 years older than her which is like 4 yeah to old for her. I know I know, I sound like a over protective father but if she had listened to me she wouldn't have got with Aaron and she wouldn't have gotten hurt thank god that I'm not the only one that hate him, so finding his wife was actually easier than you would actually think. Once that plan was completed I deleted her number from my phone, to erase any evidence of her knowing me, and I told her to do the same. As we pull up in the car park for the voice, I'm the first to get out and run round to Jessie's side opening the door for her, I then see the paparazzi's they all probably want to know what happened at the wedding, I whispered to Jessie that I would handle them, and she got out of the car followed by Tom, he was the one to take Jessie's hand and lead her swiftly into the building ignoring the questions being thrown at her, I shut the door of the car and lock it up, before I make my way to the door with Will following me close behind, just as we are about to go in, one of the paparazzi's stop us and ask questions.

"What happened at the wedding, is she married or not?"

"No she's, not she found out that he was married to someone else"

"Did she leave him?"

"Are you actually serious? Of course she fucking left him, he said that he wasn't going to tell her that he was already married, plus his wife crashed the wedding"

"She looked that guy is devastated"

"Don't sweat about it pal, something tells me he's going to be just fine"

"Ahh alright, so which one of you has the crush on her?"


Me and Will both ask in astonishment

"So both of you ay? It will be interesting to see who will win her heart that's for sure"

"This is real life, not some sappy romantic movie"

And with that me and Will storm into the studio, we enter the lounge where Tom and Jessie are, after mine and Jessie's little moment this morning, I was desperate to spend some more alone time with her, like earlier ended with her almost kissing me, why the fuck did she have to realise what was happening. We could have had our first kiss, and then she could have jumped into my arms and we could have had a full on make out session, which would leave her breathless because I would have made sure that it was a great kiss, it would have been truly magical. Can't she see that I love her, I've left loads of hints she must be a idiot to not pick up on any of them. I race over to sit next to her, I drape my arm over her shoulder, but she shuffles away before turning her head and smirking at me. I sigh loudly before scooting even closer to her, she's trapped now, she has to accept it or she'll fall,off the sofa, she gets up and goes and sits next to Tom, leaving Will to sit next to mr, I shot evils at her and she just smiles, at me then I get a idea.

"So shall we all go and see a movie during lunch?"

"How long have we got for lunch today?" J

"Well we will have 3 hours because we're only rehearsing, or we could go later today after we're done" D

"Yeah ok" J

"Sounds good to me" W

"Tom?" D

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" T

Great so my plan us set, now I need to get them to pick a scary movie.

"So what movie?"

"I'll have a look now" W

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