Part 48

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Forbidden love part 48

Danny's POV

The room started spinning and I just sat there the wrongs sinking in. I was frozen my heart had stopped, the voice at the end finally managed to pull me from my subconscious state...

"Mr O'Donoghue?"

"I'm sorry yes?"

"I understand that you and your girlfriend weren't on the best terms when the accidents occurred..."

"How do you know that?"

"We went through her phone to find the best person to ring and your texts basically explained the story"

"Right okay but what has that got to do with anything?"

"Well this is a sensitive topic.... But would there have been any reason you know of for you girlfriend to have attempted suicide?"







Not way she's the happiest liveliest person going, but is there something she's not been telling me, but no I would have noticed that something hat serious has been up....wouldn't I....but then I haven't really seen her backed for awhile so she could have hid it....I don't even know what to think now.

"Not that I know of plus that's not what happened right?"

"Well we're not all that sure what happened right now, as she was the one that went into the barrier but she could have also just lost control of the car....we are looking into it however we have also noticed something"

"What have you noticed?!"

"I'm afraid I cannot reveal that information over the phone, if you would come down to saint James hospital then I could discuss matters with you in private."

"Yes okay, I will down in around half a hour"

"See you then"

The line goes dead, as I start to wake up Tom and Will.

"Daniel what ever is the matter?" T

"Jessie's in hospital...we've got to go now!"

Moments later we were all dressed and in the car heading off to the hospital as fast as the speed limit would allow, upon pulling into the car park Tom park in any old space before we all got out and ran as fast as our legs would carry us to the reception.

"Jessica Cornish!"

"Fourth floor Morgan ward, ask at the desk there"

In this sort of situation elevators are too slow and bolting it up the stairs seemed like my only option so that's exactly what I did, fifteen minutes later we arrived in the Morgan ward where we did the whole process again. But this time we were directed to a room, inside I saw Jessie lying there in the hospital gown, Tom and Will took the chairs to the left of her bed while I took the one to her right, I held her hand I couldn't imagine what was going though her head right now, she probably hated me.....but right now I hated me to. If I just hadn't asked her weather she was pregnant she wouldn't have stormed out and she wouldn't have done whatever she has done....

"Mr O'Donoghue can I speak with you in my office a moment"

The doctor comes in and asks, I nod and follow him silently, Tom takes the space that I was sat as I leave the room. We walk down endless corridors, I can never understand how doctors know where they are going in a hospital I always end up getting lost. As we enter her office I sit down on a soft chair while she sits behind her dark oak desk.

After some awkward silence I finally asked the question I had been dying to know the answer to since earlier

"So what did you find on Jessie's body?"











"Oh okay then, what does that mean??"

"Either she's harming herself"

"No that's not her....or?"

"Or you gave them to her"









"I'm sorry?"

"Oh you shouldn't be saying that to me... But rather to her"

"I didn't give her the bruises"

"I'm sorry mr O'Donoghue but you are beefing arrested for the suspicion of domestic violence"

I stare at the doctor in shock, I'm frozen for the second time today I don't even feel the handcuffs being clamped around my wrists while I get led back through the corridors, passing Jessie's room Tom and Will look at me in shock before the doctor walks into the room with them and probably explains the situation to them...

To be continued...


Okay first things first I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating in like forever and so the excessive amount of cliffhangers I'm giving you right now, but this wasn't what I planned however this is what happened. I would also like to apologise to anyone I have upset in this chapter I know some people still haven't gotten over 'let love take over' ending but sorry guys!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also check out my new book 'once upon a time' it is janny and I've already got one chapter up and another two ready to be posted.

Thank you as always for reading


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