Part 46

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Forbidden love part 46

Jessie's POV

The sparkle in Danny's eye had finally returned we both have to work with our acts today for the show and I know how happy his team will be when they see him for the first time looking happy in a long time. He did go a little sex crazy last night but we had barely touched for ages after we found out the news, it wasn't that I didn't want to, it was him, If he was to talk to me at all he would just tell me

"You deserve better than a man that can't even provide you with a single child"

Obviously there was still hope that we will have a baby but we are not trying like we were before but I'm confident that a baby will come our way one day.

By the time I woke up the next day I could hear whistling so I knew he was at least awake. I make my way into the kitchen where I believe the whistling is coming from. His back is to me and the kettle is boiling, so I launch myself on to his back.

"Woah there hello mrs sunshine"

"Hello mr sunshine"

"Well you're in a good mood this morning gorgeous!"

"Well I've got the most lovely boyfriend in the world what haven't I got to be happy about?"

"You forgot handsome!"

"I'm sorry I've got the most lovely and handsome boyfriend in the world what haven't I got to be happy about?"

"Well nothing, so we work with our acts before we stop for lunch, which for you and I means a walk along the river and then we start work on our group performance with Tom and Will"

"So you've done our schedule then?"

"Yep and we need to leave in ooh 10 minutes!"

"Do we have time to pencil one little thing?"

"What do you want to pencil in?"

I grab his pen and notebook out of his hands placing them to one side, before placing my lips on his





"Jess I don't think we have to for this"

"Shut up and kiss me like a man"

"Well that's rude young lady"

"Please Danny"


Moments later he pulls away, telling me to go and get dressed,as soon as I return to him he's pushing me out the door and into the car,he's really paranoid about being late and I don't really understand it to be honest I mean he's awful when it comes to time so what's changed him. I mean the amount of times he's made me late for practice is unbelievable, usually he's forced me into some store cupboard where he decides to make out with me.

*flash back*

"Danny I've got to go babe"

"Just give me two minutes with you please baby girl"


His lips moved to mine where he started to smear the lipstick one my lips.

"The make up girls are going to kill you"

"Baby the rest of the world needs to see you at your most beautiful"

"And when would that be?"

"Well after sex, when your hairs a mess and you're sweating and all that jazz"

"When I'm naked?"


"I think I would get to much hate for that Dan"

"I don't like people who hate on you"

*end of flashback*

To say I was a hour later would be extremely accurate but to be fair that was so cute of him. But now here we are not even a tad later and he's rushing me. Slowly I was getting fed up by the way he was hurrying me through the door like I was five years old and I wasn't having it.


"Yes Jess here's your room I know, right love you see you soon"

Urgh he's seriously pissing me off now! I storm into my room to see my one of my teams members waiting for me.

"Alright Jess? You seem pissed off"

"No Shannon, Danny is treating me like a five year old!"

"Is he?"

"Yeah...Jess go here...go there I can't stand it!"

"Calm down Jess, just tell him you don't like it and everything will sort itself out okay?"


After all my acts are finished with me, I dismiss them for lunch and for the first dress rehearsal of the first live shows....I was nervous...really nervous I couldn't contain my nerves I was shaking as I handed bits of paper out to everyone. As I reached the lounge I saw that food had already been picked up and Danny was currently cutting mine into several small bite size pieces. I walk up to him and whisper in his ear

"Can I talk to you a minute?"

I flash a smile at Tom and Will who both flash one back, before I lead Danny into the cupboard.

"Okay two things...."

I began once the door was shut behind us

"What about our walk?"

"It's raining pretty bad, and I didn't really want to risk it"

"Okay, and number two why the fuck are you babying me I'm not fricken two years old Dan, I may be twenty two but doesn't make me a baby"

"I know...I'm practising"

"For what?"

"When we have a child..."


To be continued...

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