Part 20

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Forbidden love 20

Jessie's POV

The car ride was semi awkward today which was really not fun because the car rides are usually all laughy and jokey but today it was just like a flatline it was one of the most awkward situations I have ever been in, it was more awkward then being in a dentists or doctors waiting room and that is awkward. But at least I had Danny by the side of me instead of Will, Danny was threading my fingers through his and I couldn't deny I had a great time last night he was sweet at the cinema letting me snuggle up to him when I was scared but I couldn't help but mess with him, aww bless he thought I wanted to have sex with him but he couldn't have been more wrong, I know Will hates him and I know that he hates Will but I hated it because I knew I was the cause of all of it, if I wasn't here they would be best mates and I know that they would because they have very similar personalitys because they are both laid back, funny and a little bit over the top. I feel myself being pulled closer to Danny and I smile at him and go back to thinking.





However my thinking is soon interrupted by Tom who is trying to make the tension in the air disappear and I'm great full for that because I'm the sort of person who hates silence.

"So what did you two do when you left the cinema yesterday?" T

"Well Jessie wanted to go back to mine and that's where we went" D

"Really what could have possibly convinced her to go back to yours, she must have been lost!" W

"No she wanted to come back to mine so she could lead me on then not have sex with me and instead make a fort out of blankets where we slept" D

I blush at the words 'lead me on' I mean yeah I was messing with him but I wasn't so much leading him on. That was the end of that conversation, my phone tarts to vibrate from my hand....oh great it's my older sister Hannah I plaster a smile on my face and answer the call.

*phone call*

"Hey Hannah"

"Hey Jessie"

"So um is there a problem or?"

"Yeah look I need a babysitter for a few hours mum and dad are way to busy plus you are overdo to spend time with Rosie so I will bring her down to the studios in around half a hour?"


I get cut of pretty quickly

"Thanks beaut see you in a few mins, love you hon bye"

"Love you too bye hon"

*End of call*

I hang up and roll my head back before sighing heavily. Great Im busy I'm in rehearsals all day with my acts and then with the guys for the coaches performance how am I going to deal with a hyper three year old at the same time? Exactly I'm not.

"So i. s the a problem babe?" W

Will sounds really creepy and perverted when he calls me babe, I much prefer Danny calling me babe.

"Um yeah I've got to look after my three year old niece"

"Don't worry about it beautiful, I've got cheap paints and crayons and paper in my dressing room which she can use" D

"Thanks dan....wait a minute why do you have those?" J

"When Mark brings his kids here, they like to paint and that so I got some supply's" D

Forbidden Love O'J fanficWhere stories live. Discover now