Forbidden Love O'J fanfic

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Danny POV

It had been a solid month since mine and Irma's break up, and I was still distraught, we couldn't write any songs, because every time I tried to think about the break up, I would break down in tears. The guys would usually then drive me home, however today was different...

*10 AM, 3rd October 2011*

It was my 30th birthday, exciting? Nope defiantly not, if I had a girlfriend then exciting would have been the perfect way to describe to but nope, not anymore, I sounded like death was knocking at my door but at the end of the day, I was alone in London, without my family what was I meant to do?i did however have Mark and Glen who were currently waiting for me at the studios. I make my way there as I get into a taxi, I hear the radio

"Did you hear about the track that knocked the scripts new single off the top spot, if not turn it up loud it will,be here to stay for a long time"

The music starts a unfamiliar beat kicks in,

"how could this knock us off the top spot?"

He asked his head

"Taxi driver could you turn it up please"

"Sure thing sir"

With that he turned it up, the beat annoyed Danny, the voice soon came in, it was that of a young female, she sounded British but there was no way to tell, he had to admit that the voice was good, but he would never want to meet this girl that's for sure. The song ended and the DJ started talking again

"So that was J J J Jessie J, and she is here with us right now, so Jessie how are you feeling right now?"

"Hello, and Im feeling overwhelmed"

"If the script were listening to this right now what would you say to them?"

"Umm I would say that I'm a massive fan, they are amazing, their songs have got me through many break ups, and I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For knocking them off the number one spot"

That's all I heard of the interview, the driver pulled up and I paid him, before storming into the studio, what a fucking fantastic way to start my 30th birthday, the guys see me and run at me attacking a pissed off me, I shake them off easily and grab a beer downing it to drown my sorrows.

"I can't believe that bitch knocked us off the top spot"

"Are you on about Jessie J?"

"Yeah of course of I'm on about Jessie J"

"Come on mate, she just got into the business"

"Well she doesn't have enough talent to cut it I hope her career doesn't last!""

"Woah mate slow down there"

"No way, she ruined my birthday......I hate her"

"We tweeted her saying congratulations"

"Well I'm going to make my own tweet"

I pull out my phone, open twitter and clicked compose new tweet

"Yeah congratulations, Jes...., you know actually never heard offher, so I won't bother learning her name she won't be around for long #jessie #music #nohate"

The guys raise their eye brows at me, I make eye contact with them and they look down uncomfortably. The next thing I know my phone is being blown up, from tweets and mentions

"You sick bastard, you haven't even given her a chance!! @TheScript_Danny"

I laugh at all the comments Im getting, I seriously don't give two flying shits.

"Umm Dan, happy birthday"

The guys pass me a carefully wrapped present, my bad mood changes quickly as I thank them, they watch me as I open the gift, I unwrap a new t shirt and waist coat and then I crate of Irish beer.

"Thank you guys"

"No problem mate"


To be continued


Guys this is a preview not, a whole part, I will continue is story after my other story is finished, I really hope you guys will add this to your library and wait with anticipation for the first part to be up.

Thank you for reading

See you soon


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