Forbidden love part 37

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Forbidden love part 37

Jessie's POV

I knock on the door till my knuckles are red and raw. It's three in the morning though so I guess he's not up right. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream why is it that every time I think a guy cares about me he hurts me, usually by ripping my heart out. Finally the door is opened and there stands a very tired looking Will.

As soon as he sees my sad tear stained face he opens his arms to me and pulls me in for a hug, I cry into his neck while he gently calms me down.


After many attempts I managed to croak out a single word and even that was a struggle.

"Y y yeah?"

"What happened?"

"Nath..Nathan he b b b broke mmmyy heart"

"Why what did he do babe?"

"He told me that he only wanted sex and that he didn't even love me he tricked my and I tricked myself. Why was I sooooo fucking stupid Will?"

"You aren't babe"

"I am, and now Im left wondering what do I do now? I mean I can't go and get another boyfriend because if I do that what Danny said is true and I don't want to see myself as a slut. Yet that's what I have become all I want is to fall madly in love with someone and have them promise that they will never ever let me go or hurt me. But it's just to hard to find I don't like being single I like the security of a relationship that's why I get heartbroken so quickly"

"Look Jess, I was into you and heck I still am but we both know that you belong with someone else...go to him I mean he's only down the hall"

"You think?"

"Jess I will be very surprised if he rejects you"

I nod before quickly standing up saying a quick thank you to will and strutting down the corridor to his room. I knew he wouldn't be asleep not yet it was early but that man I mean he can deprive his body of sleep for weeks.

I knock on the door a few times and within minutes the door is being pulled open. Danny stands there clearly he hadn't been asleep not yet anyway. But he was covering himself up with the door. His dressing gown was open showing his boxer shorts his key card was resting in his thin pockets while his glasses covered eyes looked me up and down suspiciously.



He steps out and shuts the door behind him, why did he do that? He's hiding something.

"Hurry up I haven't got all night!"

"Danny, I"

"Jesus Christ I swear to go I will go back in now!"

"Okay okay, Danny look I'm sorry for what I did. I trusted someone that I actually shouldn't have and I should have listened to you. What I'm trying to say is Danny I'm really sorry and I was wondering if you find it in your heart to take me...."

Before I can even finish my sentence Danny's hotel room door opens and a girl that could literally pass as my clone stands there in her underwear looking longingly at Danny. He glances at her before glancing pointedly back at me.

"Dannnnyyyy babyy come back to beddd and stop talkinggg to thisssss skank"

That bit hurt it really did, and all I could even force out of my mouth was a 'oh'

To be continued...

Forbidden Love O'J fanficWhere stories live. Discover now