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"MUM! I DON'T WANNA GO!"~ You screamed at her as your Dad huffed in annoyance.

"Don't you raise your voice at me (Y/F/N)!" ~ Your Mother snapped back at you as she also huffed in annoyance. You turned to your Dad in hope that he would save you.

"Dad! Tell her!"~ You whined as you felt like begging for them to reconsider. In fact, scratch that, you WERE begging for them to reconsider. 

"No can do (Y/N) I agree with your Mother, you should go"~ He stated, slight amusement hidden in his eyes. You looked at him with an unamused gaze. When he noticed, he tried to fight a smile, but failed -miserably- and went back to filling in forms.

"Great help you were!" ~ You snapped under your breath as you pouted. Your eyes chained to the ground.

"Why are you so against it?!" ~ Your Mother snapped in a curious tone. You didn't answer as you didn't really see the need to.

"Do not ignore me (Y/N)" ~She was becoming more and more irritable as she gently gripped your chin and lifted your head. Your (E/C) eyes burned into her (M/E/C) ONES. You glared dangerously.

"You know that I don't want to be a stupid hero! Yet you went behind my God damn back and got me a mission anyway!" ~ You snapped coldly, anger slowly bubbling through your body.

"But -Language- why?!"~ She was almost yelling as Dad muttered something in the background. Disbelief bounced in her tone, ignoring him as you did too. You looked at her with a vacant expression.

"Because it includes running, jumping, running, pushing, fighting, running, hurting and jumping"~ You informed her, your anger leaving your body ever so slowly. After you said this, both of your parents stared at you as if you were crazy.

"You mean to tell us that your main problem with this mission is the r-"~ Your Mother stated, but your Dad cut her off also staring in disbelief.

"The Running?!"~ He exclaimed as he continued to stare at you. You adverted your gaze to the floor once again -Did I say something wrong?- You thought to yourself as you dared not to raise your head to look at them.

"(Y/N) please, just go on this one mission... If you don't like it, then you don't have to go on any missions ever again"~Your Mum stated, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You sighed in defeat as you nodded in agreement. She squealed, jumping up and down whilst clapping.

"Why are you so happy?"~ You questioned skeptically

"It's only a mission..."~ You added, confusion still shone brightly in your (E/C) eyes. She grinned in reply and you changed your line of vision to your Father.

"What's going on?"~ You questioned with a sharp edge in your voice. He shrugged.

"That much, I do not know. However, your Mum is really excited about it"~ He stated the obvious and you groaned.

"Who is it this time?"~ You sighed as you turned around, readying yourself to leave the room.

"No one!"~ She exclaimed in mock hurt as she raised her hand to her chest. Suddenly she broke out into a wide smile. Hoping you didn't see, but unfortunately, you did see.

"I'm gonna go out for a little, I'll be back later"~ You told them and left the house.

"Be back by 9:00 PM!"~ Your Mum called after you whilst you just rolled your eyes and carried on walking.

You walked out into the pouring rain and started to run forward. About two minutes later, you were where you wanted to be... The graveyard. You silently weaved in and out of the grave stones. Paying your respects to those whom no longer walked with the living. You read the names engraved into the concrete stones and scratched into the wooden crosses.

 Once again, it did not take you too long until you found the name you wanted. You knelt down next to them as your hair slowly turned a darker shade of (H/C), but you couldn't care less as you had so much to talk about.

"Hey Zack, Mum and Dad have dropped me in another stupid mission!~ You snapped irritably as your eyes held sorrow

"Why do they keep doing this? I tell them time and time again, that I do not want to be a hero! Why can't they understand that Zack? Why?"~ You questioned the grass covered soil, hoping for an answer that would never come. A stray tear scurried down your cheeks as anothe tear followed, blending in with the falling rain.

"Anyway, I hope you've been good and stayed safe. Say hi to Janet for me. How are you both? Have you got mini supers running around up there yet?"~ You questioned teasingly. Again, you knew that there would be no answer, but that didn't stop you from hoping. 

"Well, everyone down here are a pain in the butt as they were before and can't just stay saved for more then 2 seconds. It's always one problem after another and they all wonder why I want nothing more to do, but live a happy and peaceful life of a normal 19 year old"~ You ranted, then huffed out in relief. Finally happy to let it all off of your chest.


"Hey! Have you ever noticed that when I visit you it is ALWAYS raining?"~ You questioned as you held your palm out, watching as the small water droplets soaked into your soft (C/S) skin, a giggle escaping your pale, blue tinted lips. You dragged your wrist across your eyes, wiping away the remaining tears that fell from your eyes.

"Well Zachery, I gotta go. Sorry I couldn't stay longer"~ You apologised, saddness leaked into your voice and you stood up and stretched. You smiled kindly down at the grave and blew a kiss before turning on your heel and leaving.

A/N: Sorry, this is my first 'x Reader' story and I've never tried this kind of layout before so... Sorry about that.

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now