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  You laid on the grassy ground of the island you were sent to. Bored out of your mind. Th last thing your Mum told you was 'Be good and don't argue'. Argue with who exactly? Must she always be so confusing? Who were you meant to meet? Who were you meant to defeat? Who was your allie? Who was your enemy? Where the hell were you? Why were you here? What was your mission? What was your strengths? What was your weaknesses? What were their strength's? What were their weaknesses? All these questions whizzed around your mind multiple times as you fell asleep...

A painful roar echoed through the tree's making you jolt awake. You sat upright and scanned yur surroundings. Suddenly, a scream accomponied that roar. A girlish scream. Fool! I bet they provoked the poor beast. Mind you, for a Tiger that is normal. Provoking their prey. You sighed, I s'pose I should go and calm the Tiger, but no need to rush.

You walked through the tree's, tracking the poor Tiger and soon found him. A beautiful siberian Tiger stood... Coward?... In the corner, snarling. You looked in the same direction as the terrified animal only to see a pratt with short blonde hair and a red suit. You glared and stepped out in front of the Tiger.

"Back off Incredible!" ~ You spat coldly as your glare never faultered. The incredible grinned as he took a few steps forward.

"I said; Back off! Before I let him get you!" ~ You hissed, but he ignored your warning.

"You wouldn't do that... CopyCat" ~ He stated confidently as he continued to inch closer to you. Your glare grew colder as you started to back up slightly.

"Try me" ~ You dared dangerously with a snarl. You turned on your heel and slowly approached the Tiger. You slowly reached out, showing you were of no threat to him. You cautiously took small steps, until the palm of your hand was pressed against the soft, glossy coat of the majestic animal.

"Woah" ~ The boy exclaimed from the background. He had finally stopped walking toward her.

"Still think I won't set him on you?" ~ She asked with a raised brow. He gulped and now he was the one backing up as you calmly lead the Tiger away from the rock. Approaching the boy. You grinned, knowing that you had won and started walking off in the opposite direction, the Tiger following cose behind you.

'What the hell am I doing here?' ~ You questioned mentlly, irritated that you had no idea what to do... Maybe it was to do with animals? Seeming as there was a Tiger here. Anyway, where was this 'partner' you were meant to have?! Probably a good for nothing old pratt who didn't know his butt from his elbow.

"Wait!" ~ The boy exclaimed, running to catch up with her, but the Tiger turned and snarled cruelly. Acting as if he was a barrier between the two teens.

"Yes?" ~ The girl acted innocent as if all her threats were just of imagination.

"Are you my allie or enemy?" ~ He asked skeptically. You tilted your head to the side.

"That all depends on you now, does it not?" ~ You told him, shooting him a question as an answer. He looked at you, confusion glistened in his blue eyes.

"If you harm the animals or hurt me in anyway, I'll be your enemy. However, if you respect the animals and myself, then I'll be an allie" ~ You stated, trying to make it a little easier for him to understand, then you grinned.

"But for now... You are nothing more than a burden tripping me up along the way. Now if you don't mind, I have to figure out the enemy" ~ You stated, half of your words true, but the other half just to get a reaction.

"Hah! You've still not figured who the enemy is?!" ~ He laughed and you glared at him.

"Have you?!" ~ You snapped back at him, wiping the smile right off his face.

"No, but for all you know..." ~ He trailed off, smiling slyly. Your eyes locked together with his.

"I could be the enemy... And you have completely let your guard down" ~ He said menacingly, you grinned and moved to where he was recently stood. Switching places with him. He stared at you, completely dumbfounded as the Tiger growled in his direction and slowly crept over to you, never once, losing sight of the other super... Or was he a villain?

"I think not. Do you actually believe I would let my guard down in front of someone as funny looking as you?" ~ You asked, slight teasing in your insultive tone. He scoffed.

"Sweetheart, your just jealous your boyfriend ain't as hot as me!" ~ He snapped confidently. This time you scoffed.

"Yeah, your right... He's 10 x better than you" ~ You retorted, then left. Once again the Tiger followed closely behind you, keeping constant watch of the boy.  

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now