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"(Y/N), hurry up or you'll be late!"~ Your Mum yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah yeah, I'm awake"~ You called back as you combed your (H/C) into a highish ponytail.

"I didn't ask if you were awake! I told you to hurry up!"~ She snapped and you rolled your eyes. Not in the best of moods to deal with her attitude.

'What the hell did I do to deserve a punishment for?!'~ You thought as you jumped down the flight of stairs, landing perfectly on your feet. Then you walked into the kitchen.

"Yes Mum?"~ You asked boredly and she looked up. Shoving a grin off of her face.

"(D/N) is going to drive you to Edna's so please behave and do what she says" ~ Your Mother informs, no longer able to push away her grin. Your mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"Why Edna?! She's weird or is it a he? Who cares! Why Edna? What did I do to deserve such punishment?!"~ The questions naturally slipped from your tongue as you paled dramatically. You had always been frightened of Edna, but you didn't know why.

"Because you came home at 10 last night. She. Because yu are unfit so she will be training you up throughout the last few days of tis week for your mission next week"~ She stated as though it should have been obvious.

"Well then, lets go"~ Your Father states, bored with the conversation already. You follow him out the door and over to the car, waving a good bye to your Mum along the way.

"..."~ Both of you sat in silence on the way there as there wasn't anything to talk about.

'I am so bored!'~ You thought as you watched all the scenery pass by in a flash. Suddenly, the car came to an abrupt halt.

"Morning! We have an appointment to see Edna Mode"~ Your Dad chirped happily.

'Anyone would think he just won the lottery!'~ You thought as you stared at him in disbelef. A few seconds later, the thick black gates opened allowing us entrance.

"Well, here we are... You're a big girl now, so I'm going to leave and you are to stay here until Edna drops you off at the mission area... Bye"~ He said in one breath after yo got your stuff and bolted away in the car. Not even letting you say bye back. ou shrugged, then turned to the house.

"Well this isn't creepy"~ You muttered sarcastically as you made your way up to the door. Just as you were about t knock, the door swung open.

"AHH!"~ You screamed in shock as you saw no one there. After a couple of seconds, you heard someone clear their throat and looked around you, but still saw nothing.

"Down. Here"~ You heard a voice announce in a -Are you serious- tone and you looked down, only to see Edna.

"Sorry"~ You squeaked the apology, slightly shaken. Now you wasn't afraid of much... Just Edna... Oh and heart break. Anyway, Edna grinned and gestured for you to follow her through the building.

"Dahling, I heard that I need to train you up a bit... Yes?"~ She questioned as she continued to look forward. You gulped and nodded, soon realising that she couldn't see you. You gatherd enough courage to talk, but chickened out.

-Brave, be brave... Shes tiny... If she tries to kill me, I run. I run faster than her... She can't catch me!- You thought to yourself

"Strange, I would never have guessed a young lady from the (L/N)'s family would fear me of all people"~ Edna mused to herself as you both came to an abrupt halt at a steel door.

"Me?.. Afraid?.. Yeah right! I laugh in the face of danger!"~ You laughed nervously, trying to sound as convincing as you possibly could (A/N: Haha, have you recognised the quote?.. No?.. Shame on you! Yes?.. Well done, you are now my friend)

"Ahh, so you do fear me?"~ Edna smirked as she pressed the palm of her hand against a scanner thingy, then moved onto scanning her... Eyes?.. Because that totally ain't strange, then a microphone popped out of the wall.

"Do not!"~ You denied childishly, hoping she couldn't hear you.

"Edna... Mode"~ She said clearly so the mic could pick up her voice. A gun shot out of the ceiling tile, pointing it's nuzzle at you. Yoou squeaked in shock as Edna noticed, a vacant expression platered onto her face as usual.

"And guest"~ She stated as though it should have been obvious, but held some boredom as well. The gun left as quickly as it came and the steel door slid open without as much of a creak.

"So Dahling, you are to go on a mission... correct?"~ She questioned as she plopped herself down on to a chair faceing a weird semi translucent screen. You sat in the chair next to her.

"Yes"~ You replied, almost skeptically. Edna smiled daringly.

"With a young man I hear..."~ She drawled slyly.

-I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE SET ME UP!- You thought angrily as an image of your Mum flashed through your mind.

"Any who, I have designed an outfit that -thankfully- is suitible for all powers as you can copy others powers, but have your own as well"~ Edna stated with pride as the seats zoomed to one end of the room. In behind the translucent wall was an . You wasn't too interested as you were forced into this mission, but you couldn't be rude either.

"This suit can stretch, never wear out, disappear as you do, not restrict any element powers that you use. Also it can change into any substance along with you and camoflauge into your background. It can help you shape shift if needed and change into other clothing for easier changing. I added the last one for some fun... You like?"~ She asked you after explaining it all to you as you just gawked in amazement at her.

"Yeah"~ You gasped out, still over took with amazement.

"Also, it add's to your figure during your cat like reflexes, nothing better than looking good in front of your awe strucken opponent!"~ She added happily as you were still frozen.   

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now