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  'What a pain in the backside!' ~ You thought irritably as you looked at him from the corner of his eye. He smirked..

"Hey, I know I'm good looking, but can you stop stealing glances at me" ~ He teased, his smirk staying put. You glared and looked away.

'He is so God damn smug!' ~ You thought as slight anger nipped at your brain. You turned to face him, walking backwards.

"I've seen better! Are you gonna keep following me like a lost puppy or are you actually gonna help figure a plan?!" ~ You snapped harshly, making him flinch. He shrugged.

"You gonna tame your beast or am I gonna live in fear of it for the rest of the mission" ~ He retorted, making you grin.

"You're frightened of my baby boy?" ~ You questioned as you looked down at the Tiger who looked up at you. The super smirked mischiviously.

"I wasn't talking about the Tiger" ~ He teased, his smirk grew wider as he watched your reaction, but to his shock. You grinned wider.

"Why thank you. I do try. However, you haven't even seen me angry" ~ You thanked, knowing that you would only confuse him.

"I don't want to see you angry" ~ He muttered and you smirked.

'Oh, I like being the feared person rather than fearing a person... Like I am with Edna' ~ You thought happily as you came to another clearing. You turned to your useless 'Partner' and stared blankly at him.

"We should give it a rest for the night. We'll sort out a plan in the morning, but for now, I need a sleep!" ~ You exclaimed the little bit at the end

You sat down and the Tiger shuffled over to you. Cuddling into your side. You beamed down at the beautiful creature and wrapped one arm around him.

"I think we should give you a name..." ~ You trailed off, noticing the super smiling sweetly at you. You rose a brow at him and he turned away, a light blush shading his cheeks.

"What about Flame?" ~ The Super suggested and you grinned, you looked down at the Tiger.

"What do you think about that?" ~ You asked the Tiger, who huffed in response. He didn't want the male to name him, but the Tiger did like the name. He just snuggled further into you, showing he accepted. You looked up.

"Thanks" ~ You beamed, soon your smile became teasing.

"Now you have more reason to fear him. Ya know what they say; those who play with fire are bound to get burnt" ~ You said with a small giggle.

"What's your name? I didn't quite catch it" ~ You said after a short pause. Realising you had no idea what he was called. Sure he didn't have to give you his real name, but the least he could do was give you a name. He was your partner after all.

"Das-niel... Daniel" ~ He replied. You looked at him suspiciously, but decide to ignore it.

"You?" ~ He added after a few seconds and you thought about it.

"Janet" ~ You replied, the name made tears sting at your eyes, but you pushed them back. He smiled. Unconvinced. He knew you were lying and you knew he was lying.

"Pretty name" ~ He complimented. Still smiling, you smiled too.

"Thanks. I've alway's wanted to meet a Daniel" ~ You giggled as he tilted his head to the side in confusion. Which only made you giggle more.  

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now