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  "DASHIELL! Good to see you dahling! Now I have fixed your suit and this and that you know what I'm saying dahling? "~ Edna exclaimed, greeting Dash happily.

"Yeah, it's Dash and cool!"~ He replied, a hint of boredom mixed with annoyance in his tone. Edna begun to walk and he followed close behind, making sure he didn't lose her in this place.

"Oh dahling, you are doing it all wrong!"~ Edna stated in her usual -I know everything- tone as she peered into a room and Dash chuckled when he saw a girl in there. She was trying to throw daggers at a dummy and wasn't exactly failing. She hit the target perfectly, it just wasn't... Edna's perfect.

"I hit the target!"~ She exclaimed in annoyance and disbelief and Edna tutted.

"Why yes you did (Y/N), but only the limbs. You need to aim for the heart and important organs!"~ Edna stated, slight irritation building up as Dash continued to laugh.

"Dashiell can show you how it's done!"~ She exclaimed with a wide smirk as Dash's laughter vanished. He stared in sh0ck.

"Why me?!"~ He questioned hastily as he stared wide eyed at Edna who just grinned in response.

"Well dahlings, I simply must leave, but shall be back in 2 hours to see your progress"~ She sing songed before leaving Dash in the room with the girl.

"... Hey"~ Dash greeted the girl, but she ignored him. He rose a brow as he turned to face her.

"Seriously, you gonna ignore me?!"~ He snapped irritably as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"If you opened your eyes, you would have noticed I waved!"~ She snapped back coldly as she continued to throw daggers at the dummy. Dash shivered when she pierced the dummy's heart with the silver blade.

"Yeah yeah, what ever... Let me show you how it's done"~ He retorted as he begun to get a bit stuck up. She glared coldly at him as he approached her. He slipped the dagger out of her hand and turned on his heel. Throwing the dagger, but only just grazed the neck.

"Oh yeah, thank you for showing me 'how it's done' much apprieciated"~ She thanked, sarcasm dripped like acid from each letter as she quoted him.

"Shut up"~ Dash muttered childishly, pouting as he stormed out of the room.

-Man! I messed up BIG! I'm a failure of a flirt!-~ Dash thought as he started to race down the hall. Searching for Edna for his suit.

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now