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  'I don't have the foggiest idea of what's going on right now' ~ Dash thought as he stretched. Flame was prowling around and Janet was still sleeping beside Dash.

He looked down curiously at her.

'What secrets are you hiding? ' ~ He questioned mentally as a small smile danced upon his lips.

"Daniel, stop staring at me" ~ She mumbled as she turned the other way. Dash continued to smile, but did as told and looked a head of him.

'So... Yesterday was a slip of the tongue?' ~ Uncertanty whizzed around his mind at the thought.

'Wait... Do I... Talk in my sleep?.. I hope not' ~ He panicked slightly. Then something hit him. No, literally. Something hit him.

Janet lightly tapped his hip as she stretched followed by a small groan. He relaxed as another smile placed itself on his face. Janet sat up straight and rubbed at her eyes, ridding the sleepiness.

She looked around her surroundings lazily. Her gaze landing on Dash. She beamed a warm smile his way.

"Morning" ~ She greeted cheerfully, the smile still on her face.

"Good dream?" ~ Dash questioned with a small smirk. Janet sighed dreamily as she nodded.

"Yeah" ~ She breathed, though she had a playful ora surrounding her. Dash rose a brow.

"Wow, whose the unlucky guy?" ~ He teased and she replied with a giggle.

'More like; who is the lucky guy' ~ Dash thought, but pushed it to the back of his mind.

"A person..." ~ She replied vaguely. Dash rolled his eyes, but decided to say no more on the subject.

"Anywho, lets get a move on shall we" ~ She announced as she sprung to her feet. Dash laughed lightly at her happy go lucky personality this morning.

'Where's Flame gone?' ~ He thought as he looked around him. Only to otice that the Tiger was leading the way. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to follow Janet.

'Well, I guess nows a better time to ask if any...' ~ Dash thought, then opened his mouth to ask.

"Hey CopyCat...  

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now