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  'He called me (Y/N)... Does he know who I am?.. No, surely he can't know. Why did I call him Dash?.. Does he remind me of Dashiell? He is cocky and self obsessed like Dash and full of himself. Though Daniel has been so sweet and caring. Especially the other day when he held me and comforted me through the storm. Yeah, so he can't be Dash because Dan's so swe- I AM NOT FALLING FOR THAT PRATT!' ~ You thought as panic arose in your heart.

You wasn't sure if he was Dash or not and you were definately befuddled if he knew who you were. Another day had passed by and still you had nothing to show for it. Why were you here? What was your purpose for being sent here? Why was your Mum so eager to send you off? What was the real reason you were here? What had your Mother planned now?

You stole a glance towards Dash- No, Dan.

'Could he actually be Dash? Now that I think about it... They do look incredibly alike... The only thing stopping me from believing my theory is his black mask...' ~ You thought as you quickly looked away and down at Flame who happily followed next to Das- Dan.

You could feel Daniel's eyes burn into the back of your head and turned to meet his gaze.

"Are you feeling alright?" ~ He asked and you simply nodded. Though, he seemed unconvinced, but left you to it all the same.

"I'm alright, alright?!" ~ You snapped back, feeling uncomfortable for some odd reason... Why? Who knew. Maybe it was the fact that his real name bugged you... Or perhaps it was the thought of lying that made you sick. Possibly even knowing your new found emotions for the Super left you vulnerable... And it was highly likely that it was all three.

You looked at the boy a bit longer, then turned away once he noticed.

"So Dash, any idea why we're here?" ~ You asked accusingly, though the name was a slip up. You didn't mean to call him Dash, but, before you could apologise... He answered.

"Honestly?.. No. I was kinda dropped off here with no more info then what you have... I feel like I've already said this" ~ He replied, slight irritation could be detected in his voice. You looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. Either he didn't hear you or he ignored the fact that you called him Dash... Or perhaps... He admitted he was actually Dash Parr...

"Why are you looki-... Ohhhhh" ~ He started, but cut himself off half way through. Almost as if he realised what was going on.

"Is there something on my face?" ~ He asked worriedly, reminding you of a very self concious girl. You sighed in disbelief as he successfully turned the arising subject around...

A/N: So... You are starting to suspect something... He is too, though not as fast. Who will ask the question first? How will you both re act? Enjoy... Oh and sorry if you feel as though it's rushed...  

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now