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  "DASHIELL ROBERT PARR!"~ Helen screamed up the stairs and walked back into the dining room with Violet and Jack Jack. Her face was burning red as she waited for her trouble making son.

"Yes Mom?"~ He questioned, forcing a carefree smile upon his lips. He cautiously stepped towards the table and took a seat. Eyeing his Mother carefully, awaiting for her to burst in anger and frustration.

"Dash. You. Better. Hope. You. Don't. Mess. Up. After. Tonight!"~ She replied, her teeth clenched and her voice was a dangerous growl followed by a cold glare.

"Shut up Vi! As if your all innocent!"~ He snapped at a snickering Violet, her snickers came to an abrupt halt. Jack Jack grinned, knowing all too well what was going to happen.

"Wait wait wait wait, what did Violet do?!"~ Helen asked with a sense of urgency as Dash smirked, thinking that he had got away with it, but he was dead wrong. Helen shot him a warning glance.

"Nothing Mom, Dash is just trying to pin the blame on me!"~ Violet snapped in irritation, also shooting Dash a warning glance. However, he took it lightly as he spilled the beans.

"So, I didn't see you with your tongue down a 30 year olds throat and his hands up your skirt... No?"~ He questioned, a smirk plastered on his face. Helen's eyes widened as she stared at the daughter she thought she knew.

"He wasn't 30!"~ She snapped harshly as she now sent Dash a death glare.

"He was 20!"~ She corrected quickly, noticing the look on her Mum's face.

"So it's true?!"~ Helen gasped out in pure shock and Violet gulped. Slowly and hesitantly, she nodded her head. Now avoiding her Mum's eyes, she started to eat quicker.

"What did I miss?"~ Bob questioned as he walked into the quiet room, filled to the top in thick tension. As he expected, his answer was silence, but not for long.

"No, you don't wanna share? No, cool, I will then"~ Jack Jack's voice intervened with the awkwardness as he ignored the silent glares sent his way by his older siblings.

"Dash is in some sort of trouble with Mr. Teacher guy... Again and vial Violet has been playing dirty with a 30 year old!"~ Jack Jack beamed with pride as he was the 'good' child. Bob looked at Violet in slight disappointment, but didn't bother with Dash as it was nothing new.

"He was 20!"~ She snapped just as he opened his mouth, hastily shutting it again. He shook his head disapprovingly and began to tuck into his dinner. Helen looked at him in disbelief.

"You really have nothing to say?!"~ She exclaimed in slight annoyance, Bob sighed. Putting his steak down, he looked over at Violet, then to Helen.

"She's a big girl now hun, shes 22 next week!"~ He stated as he looked at her in the eye and sent Vi a little smile which she gladly returned.

"And as for Dash, well... He has a mission next week"~ He informed, a mischievious glint sparkled in his blue eyes. Helen scoffed.

"That is not punishment! That's a privilege!"~ She spat, obviously not seeing the look in his eyes. Neither did Dash as he was silently thanking the heavens for his luck that was moments away from running out.

"You didn't let me finish"~ Bob stated, shooting down all of Dash's hopes in one clear shot. A smirk worked its way onto Helens face and she lent on the table, as if telling him to continue.

"He has a partner"~ He mused as he watched Dash's scared expression transform into a cocky, stuck up grin, but before he could retaliate, Bob added.

"Nope, I am not joking and yes you will work with them"~ He stated, making sure he had got through his sons thick skull. Violet and Jack Jack burst out into a fit of laughter as they watched Dash's expression continueously change in the last few seconds.

"Haha, yeah hilarious and I'm sorry to say this, but... I refuse!"~ Dash snapped humourlessly. Not very impressed with what they just told him.

"I work alone!"~ He snapped, reminding Bob of the good old days, but also about Syndrome or as he was known as back then, Incrediboy.

"Too late, I've already told them that you'll be there"~ Bob stated as he picked his fork back up and dug into his dinner, pushing the bad memories out of his brain. He smiled as he devoured the last of his food. Violet grinned as Jack Jack laughed. Helen and Bob both wore identical smirks as Dash pouted childishly.

"Who am I working with?"~ Dash questioned, obviously giving up with the whole 'I work alone' sherade. Bob grinned and shook his head.

"No idea, the other super remained anomynous"~ Bob lied as he stood up and left the room. Listening to Dash mutter complaints.

"NAWW look at my ittle wittle baby. All grown up!"~ Helen spoke to Dash in a baby voice as she pinched his cheeks.

"MOM! YOU ARE NO HELP!"~ Dash yelled in annoyance as Helen teased him.

"Maybe it's a pretty young Super to play with Jack Jack"~ Violet joined in as did Jack Jack.

"Or a hunky Super for Vi"~ Jack Jack chuckled and Dash pushed himself up onto his feet forcefully. He huffed angrily, then stormed out of the room.

A/N: Hey, sorry but in this story Dash is 19 and him and Violet are 3 years apart in age. Oh and Jack Jack is 9/10. Also I dunno if this sounds like the Parr family, but hopefully it does and enjoy!  

My 'Dash'ing Prince - Teen Dash x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now