3: Silent Treatment

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Hey guys!  How do you like the book so far? I didn't even imagine someone would read it this far. Newsflash! I cannot promise you this but, I decided to update trice a week. So expect updates every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, if you're from the Philippines. Yes I am a Filipino. (Mabuhay Ang Pilipino! Magbayanihan tayo! ) Again Thank you for reading! You may now enjoy this long chapter

Star's POV

It was Thursday. I was happily skipping through the school corridors, heading towards my locker. But at the corner of my eye I saw a glimpse of brown hair and a hoodie. Must be Marco. I followed him to a hallway. I hid behind the lockers. Nobody was there but him and someone with short blonde hair with a streak of blue. Jackie?! Why was he with Jackie?
My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the two kissing each other. I was wide eyed. I covered my mouth to prevent a scream of hurt. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. But why? Why do I feel so hurt? Marco and I never dated. I knew he wouldn't like me the same. Is it because I've fallen head over heels for him? I can't take it anymore. My eyes were now waterfalls and I clenched my fists with sadness and anger.

"I love you. " Marco's voice was heard echoing to the hallway.

"I love you too. " the voice of her new found girlfriend said in return.

I ran away as far as I could, and as of cue rain started pouring. I was cursing myself right now.

"I hate this dimension!" I screeched falling to my knees.

I stayed there for what seemed like forever. I let the rain pour down. I even wanted in to fall harder.

"Star! " a familiar voice was heard from them distance.

A silhouette of a woman could be seen coming closer. Mrs. Diaz.

"Oh My God! Star honey! What are you doing here? You'll catch a cold. Let's get you inside." a worried Mrs. Diaz said, helping me get up.

Time lapse and I was laying on my bed. A knock from my door was heard, followed by a calling of my name. I didn't bother to answer,  knowing the person who was right outside my room.

"Can I come in?" Marco said, probably wanting to tell me he has a new girl in his life.

"I don't wanna talk right now, Please just..... just leave me alone."

"Oh, okay. " he replied with hurt from his voice.

The next day I woke up extra early.  I rushed to go to school, making sure Marco didn't see me.

"Star!" his voice came from behind.

He stopped me from my tracks by gripping my shoulders, panting from exhaustion of catching up with me.

"Why.... why didn't you..... w-wait for me?" he said between breathes.

I removed his hands away from my shoulders and continued walking to school. I could see the look of confuse and concern in his face. He stood there as I disappeared into the school gates.

Time lapse and it was now lunch time. I sat with Ferguson and Alfonzo. I was about to bite the last piece of my lunch when Marco came, along with Jackie.

"See you later guys. " I said to Ferg and Alfonzo before the new couple could sit at the table.

Marco's POV

What's with Star today? She hasn't said a word to me since yesterday. Maybe she's going through a phase? I miss her cheery and bubbly side. I miss her laugh, her jokes, but I really miss her smile. The contagious smile that I used to see everyday. Wait a minute..... What are you thinking Diaz?! You have a girlfriend! You can't possibly like your best friend! Then again, I always feel complete with Star.

"Hey Marco. " Ferguson said interrupting my thoughts.

"What's with you and Star? Did you have a fight or something?"

"Yeah, she seems pretty bummed out." said Alfonzo before taking a bite of his sandwich

"I-i don't know." I said playing with my food.

"I tried to talk to her but, she would just ignore me.

"Hey. " Jackie said intertwining her hand with mine.

"I'm sure everything will be fine in the end" she continued

I let out a breath I didn't know i was holding and continued to play with my food. 
Time lapse and school was over. I started looking for Star.
Finally I found her. I ran to her before she could leave for the bus. I grabbed her hand and forced her to look at me.

"Star, you haven't talked to me since yesterday. I know something's bugging you. You wouldn't give me the silent treatment if I did something wrong. Tell me. I'm your best friend." I said with strict.

She let out a laugh as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You still don't get it do you? " she said pulling her hands away.

"Nothings wrong, everything is fine, my day can never be better." she said with a smile I could've sworn was fake.

"Look Marco,  you should head home,  I promised Justin I would help him with this octopus with a horn in it's head, that barged into his house."

Justin? She hung out with Justin?! I can't take this anymore!
Without hesitation I kissed her full on the lips.

Star's POV

My eyes were open wide. He's kissing me. I didn't know he could cheat on Jackie... Jackie!!! I can't let this happen. I don't want this to end, but I also don't wanna hurt Jackie's feelings, and one more thing, he shattered my heart into pieces.
I pushed him away, slapped him right in the face and turned around, immediately heading home.
I could see he was dumbstruck. I sigh. He thinks he can just.... aaaaarrrggghhhhh!

Time skip and I was at my room playing with my wand. The lights were off, the windows and doors were closed. I decided to go to sleep, but before I could, the door creaked open,  illuminating the room.

"Close the door!" I groaned, covering my face with a pillow.

"Star we need to talk. " said Marco as he switched on the lights.

I sighed and eventually agreed with him. I sat on my bed and waited for him to explain.

"Look Star, about earlier.... I'm sorry. It's just that I couldn't take it anymore and I really wanna be honest with you. " he said avoiding eye contact and scratching the back of his neck.

"Star, I don't like you. "

I looked straight into his eyes. I could feel tears threatening to fall. But before I could say a word he kissed me.

"I love you." he continued after pulling back.

"I kinda broke up with Jackie awhile ago. I'm just stupid to not realize the right person was beside me the whole time. I'm dumb that I didn't notice you. You always had my back, Star I-----Mmmmppphhhh."

I cut him off by kissing him more passionately this time. We pulled back for air.

"I love you too. " I started.

"I just didn't want to upset Jackie."

He leaned his forehead to mine.

"Actually Jackie's the one who broke up with me. She knew I cared more for you and she's kinda into this other guy."

"That's good. So it's a win-win."

"Yeah she gets to date the guy he likes and I get to be with the prettiest and greatest person in the world."

"Your such a cheese ball." I said and kissing him again.

Yeeaaahhh booyyeee!!! 1250 words!!!  Hope you enjoyed see ya next time!


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