14: Things I Do When Your Asleep

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After a long day of test and lectures, the two best friends were already walking down the sidewalk to their humble home.

Suddenly a buzzing sound was heard through the atmosphere. The duo looked around to see where it was coming from. Their question was answered as a portal opened in front of them, Ludo and his henchmen coming out after.

The two smiled at each other, they've been waiting since this morning for something exciting to happen. They positioned into their awesome fighting stances and proceeded to take down one monster after the other.

A few moments later and the fight was finished by one of Star's powerful spells.

"How bout some nachos?" the blonde said, dusting off her blue dress, as Ludo limped into the portal.

"Way ahead of you." the brunette replied, pointing his two fingers at her, and walking backwards to the door.

She laughed as he almost slipped on the pavement.

Time skip and Star was munching down the remaining nachos. Her best friend already upstairs, getting ready for bed.

Marco looked over at his clock. The red lights saying its already 10:30 pm. He went to Star,'s door, opening it slowly, expecting to see her already asleep. But to his surprise, she wasn't there. He ran down the stairs, seeing the blonde sleeping on the couch, the TV turned on, and nachos all over the floor. He sighed before smiling, and sitting beside her. He took this opportunity to really look at his best friend's features.

Her long blonde locks draped perfectly over her back. Soft skin, that made his hands twitch, wanting to touch them. The perfect, soft smile plastered on her face. He smiled coming to a conclusion that he was in love with her. Heck! He's in love with his best friend! Memories of their adventures flickered across his mind. No one has ever made him happy the way she did. He moved a stray of hair covering her face and brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. The warm sensation made his cheeks red.

Looking down on the floor, he leaned his elbows on his lap and had his hands clasped. He didn't mind the nacho-y mess, nor did he mind a cat stealing a piece of their left-over food. What he did mind though, was the vibrating noise of his phone, a text from Oscar appearing on the screen.

"Star doesn't feel the same way." he whispered.

Grabbing the phone, he deleted the message and threw the device to the other side of the room. He sighed and looked back at the princess. He nudged her, making sure that she was definitely asleep.

"Star..." he began.

"I know you like Oscar and all but, you see, I know we got to a bad start at first but, looking back to all the adventures we had, how much we had fun, the times we were in trouble, and countless of memories of you saving me. I wish I could save you as much." he looked down.

"Star." he looked at the sleeping blonde again.

"I love you."

He wanted her to wake up. He wanted her to tell him the same. But was only replied by a pack of snores. He stood up, grabbed a blanket, and draped it over her.

"Sweet dreams." he said before heading up the stairs.

Time Skip

The blonde was awakened by the sweet songs of birds.

She sat up, thinking about how she slept last night. Dreams? None, she didn't have dreams at all, last night. But even so, she never felt more relaxed. Usually sleeping on the couch would mean a crack in the back. But her thoughtless slumber made her feel a little more giddy today. And so, she darted upstairs and proceeded to her morning routine.

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