7: Art Project

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Star's POV

"Lastly, Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz. " Ms. Jemyma, our art teacher, beamed from the front of the class.

She paired us for a project, that obviously needed teamwork, and she literally paired me with Marco, considering I live with him.

"Alright now that you're all paired, note the rules and details you have to follow, that I will now write on the board." Ms. Jemyma continued.

I gotta say, Ms. Jemyma is sweet and all, seemingly catching attention from her single-status, male companions. Of course with her straight, raven hair flowing just below her shoulders, black eyes that shimmered brown every time the sun would glimmer unto her face, academic intelligence, unique fondness of animals, especially cats, and her taste for fashion.
Although with her great characteristics, the homework she gave was a little too much. Really?! Making a model of your favorite landmark?! Too much! Even for two people. That is in my perspective.

Time skip and Marco and I were walking down the sidewalk, heading home. After arguing what landmark we will copy. We decided on making a model of the Eiffel Tower.

"Okay Star." Marco started.

"We have all the things we need for our project. I even got a picture of the tower for us to copy."

"That's great! Where do we start?" I asked eagerly, bouncing up and down.

Time skip and we were almost done with the project.

"Okay Star." Marco started.

"All that's left is to glue this part over at the top."

"Alright! Now where's the glue. " I asked searching the table.

I reached under the table. Grabbing what I thought to be the glue.

"Ah! Here it is!"

Marco smiled.

"Okay. Grab the last piece and I'll help you stick it together."

"That's weird. " I said trying to let go of the glue

"What's weird? "

"My hand's glued to the container."

He paused for a moment then started pulling the container.

"It's stuck alright." he mumbled.

"Wait here."

A few minutes later, he came back with warm water and a towel.

"Alright. Let's hope this works." he then started rubbing my hand with a towel dipped in warm water.

It felt nice. Knowing Marco was always their for me. Correct me when I'm wrong, help me with my mistakes. He's a great friend. Sometimes I even think of him as something more... much more then just a friend. It took me a while to realize, but how could he possibly feel the same way.... he likes..... Jackie.

"There. Does it still feel sticky?" he said finally pulling away the glue container.

I shook my head.

"Thanks Marco." I said raising my hand for a high-five.

He laughed and finally returned my gesture.

Marco's POV

"What the?!" I screamed.

The glue container had holes. And right now Star's hand is glued to mine.

"What kind of glue is this?" I shouted

Star picked it up and read the brand.

"Super Sticky Glue." she muttered placing the glue down and putting her free hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Marco, we can still rub it off with the towel."

"Star my free hand just got stuck to your waist." he said with no emotion in his tone, but judging by his red face, I can tell he is as flustered as I am.

"Uuuuuhhhhh... that's okay..." she laughed nervously.

"I'll just use my hand and.... " she continued trying to pull her hand away from my shoulder.


I laughed nervously, avoiding making eye contact. Despite the glue, Star's hand feels so soft. I'm trying hard not to squeal like a girl here, seeing the position Star and I were in.

"This is... pretty nice." I muttered.

"Hmmmm? What was that Marco?" Star asked, eyes wide as saucers.

She inched a little closer. I flustered, staring into those big, sky blue, electric eyes. I could get lost in it all day. My eyes started shifting to her lips. Being this close to her wasn't helping my eagerness to just grab her face and kiss her just like that.


"Oh!.. Uuuhh... I said this is pretty awkward."

"So... you don't like being this close to me?"

"What?! No! I mean... I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay I understand... Let's just call your parents and get this over with."

I could see the hurt in her eyes. I can't stand seeing her like this. I couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore.

"Star... I think I... I think I.... like you."

Her eyes widened.

"Scratch that.... Star, I.... I l-love you."

I could feel my body tense up as she leaned closer.

"I love you too." she whispered

Suddenly I felt soft lips against mine. My eyes widened. Star's kissing me! She's kissing me! Star my best friend! I can't believe she feels the same way. I slowly closed my eyes and returned the kiss. Only harder. I pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

Mrs. Diaz POV

"Marco, Star time for din--- Oh."

I chuckled to myself as I saw my son kissing my future daughter-in-law. I sighed and closed the door.

"I'll call them later."

Marco's POV

It stung a little when she pulled away after what seemed like forever. She giggled a little, snapping me out of my daze.

"So..." I started

"Does this mean.. "

She lightly pecked my lips.

"Does that answer your question?"

I chuckled and closed the gap between us once more.

The next day

"Okay is anyone turning in their homework today?" Miss Jemyma asked with a little annoyed tone in her voice.

"Mr. Diaz? I expect you and Ms. Butterfly already finished?"

"Oh! Uuummm... Sorry ma'am, Star and I were busy last night. " I said holding on to Star's hand and giving her an assuring look. He sighed and gave me her signature smile.

"Aaaaawwww!" Ms. Jemyma started.

"I wish I had your kind of relationship. My boyfriend is such a butt. I still love him. But I would really appreciate he would do something romantic from time to time."

The whole class laughed.

"Okay then. Let's start the lesson!"

"Hey Star." I whispered.


"Wanna watch a movie later?"

"How bout we finish our project first?"

I chuckled and squeezed her hand a bit.

"Fine by me."

Hey guys!!! Hope you like this one-shot. I would like to thank my best friend in the world called reality @omieeeechii! She's the best. Till next time!


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