20: Marco's Magic

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Star looked at her best friend. What happened to him? Did she miss something? Since when did Marco suddenly become so.... hot? She was so sure she lived for two years on Earth, always by his side. She was sure that she never missed something good happen. Did he cast a spell on himself?

She let out an exaggerated gasp.

Was it possible? There was no other source of magic on earth aside from her wand. What if Marco had magic?

"Um...Star? Why are you looking at me like that?" his voice echoed across her mind.

She shook her head, snapped back to reality and faced her well... shockingly attractive, best friend.

"N-no reason." she answered, looking away, a tint of red appearing on her cheeks.

Marco narrowed his eyes at the blonde. She didn't know it too, but when did she become more gorgeous than ever? He always looked at Star as his best friend but, now he realized she was also a girl. An actual girl! Someone who he could date.

He pushed the idea aside and blushed.

"L-lets get to class." Marco mumbled.

Star nodded and followed him to their first subject.

Star kept stealing glances at Marco during school. She couldn't help it. And when she heard other girls giggle or much likely look at him, she couldn't help but feel a boiling heat of jealousy ramble inside her stomach... Well, that or she was just hungry.

Then lunch time came. As Marco brushed the back of his hand against Star's to reach out for a spoon. She felt her face heat up. When he sat next to her as they ate, she was keeping the urge to hug him and nuzzle her face against his chest.

As school ended for the day. Marco was so ecstatic to go home. He grabbed Star's hand and darted to their peaceful abode.

He broke his grip on her as he entered the kitchen. Leaving Star in a dazed trance, missing the warm feeling of his hands against hers already.

She shook her head in realization. What was happening to her? Why was she so flustered whenever she encountered Marco. Through out the whole day she was entrapped inside some kind of trance. Marco's image appearing in her mind.

Then she remembered something in her spell book. There was a spell that made people that way! What was it called again? Never mind! But Marco? Only magical beings could do that!

Her eyes widened and she held her mouth with two hands.

"Marco's Magic!" she whisper-shouted.

She put on a determined look and slammed the side of her fist against her other palm.

She was going to find out if Marco really had magic or how she got trapped in the 'spell' that made her feel some sort of way towards the brunette.

Time Skip

"Ugh... Why are we here again?" complained Ferguson as he crossed his arms over his chest.

The other people around him asking the same question.

"Because you guys need to help me figure out how Marco cast a spell on me!" the blonde retorted.

Star rounded a few of her classmates to discuss an 'important meeting'.

Alfonzo snickered.

"What kind of spell?" he asked.

"I don't know! That's why I called you here!" Star blurted out before hyperventilating.

"Woah! Calm down girl." Jackie assured.

"Tell as what 'symptoms' are showing and we can figure out what it is." Janna added, making air quotes.

Star nodded and took a deep breath.

"Okay." she said convincing herself more than her friends.

She started to tell them how she felt around Marco. How weak kneed she had been just by looking at him. How her name tumbled out his lips naturally that it always made her day. And mostly how she started to long for him more and more.

The group nodded their heads. Some, snickering from Star's obliviousness.

"Oh Star." Ferguson said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Sweet, innocent, oblivious Star... Marco didn't cast a spell on you."


"You're simply in love with him... And you have it bad." he laughed.

The blonde's eyes went wide and she started hyperventilating.

"S-star?" The red head questioned.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she opened her mouth to retort before she fainted and fell to the ground.

"We should've let her sit down first." Alfonzo said from behind.


Star woke up on her bed. Her head stinging in pain.

"W-what happened?" she questioned to herself.

"You fainted." a soothing, familiar voice was heard from the side of the bed.

Star turned her head only to see Marco staring at her with concerned eyes.

She smiled nervously and he looked down to the cold floor. She opened her mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted.

"Ferguson told me everything." Marco said not bothering to look up at his best friend.

"E-everything?" Star questioned, anxiety etched all over her face.

He chuckled lightly.

"Who knew I could cast such a spell on you, huh?"

Star answered with a nervous laugh, her hearts glowing with embarrassment.

"Well, I'm not gonna believe him if you won't tell it to me yourself." he put a hand over her shoulder.


He leaned in closer and tilted his head a little. His breath tickled her face that sent a chill down her spine.

"Is it true Star?" he asked, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

Star nodded slowly, not understanding what was happening at the moment.

He laughed.

"I think you casted a spell on me too." he smiled.

"I-i... I did?" she questioned feeling uneasy with Marco's gaze hovering on her.

And with one swift move. He touched his lips against hers.

Her eyes slowly closed and she returned the kiss.

After a few moments of bliss, the two parted for air.

Star stared at him with half-lidded eyes.

"Looks like I'm not the only one with magic."

Hey guys! Another chapter down and countless more to go! If you enjoyed this one, please please VOTE and COMMENT. I will now plop on my bed and think about a new one-shot... Till next time!


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