34: Deserve her

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He leaned in closer. Their faces were inches apart. One move and he'd know what those pink lips tasted like. She gently closed her eyes, waiting for what would happen. And finally their lips pressed against each other.

Marco cringed at the scene playing on his flat screen TV. Why did he watch this in the first place? Flicking one channel after the other, only one thing was being showed; Romance

The brunette was bored out of his mind. The very being that would enlighten his day was in her room being lectured with princess duties by her mother through the mirror. He rested the side of his face with a hand and his elbow leaned on the couch's arm. He chuckled, hearing the muffled arguments of the two.

After a couple of minutes, Star came down the stairs. A look of exhaustion on her face. Marco couldn't help but smirk.

"Proper posture, again?" he questioned, leaning back on the couch.

Star grunted, flopping down on the couch. Her head was on Marco's lap and legs leaning on the couch's arm. She sighed, covering her eyes with the back of her hand.

Marco took this opportunity to play with her hair. It had grown into mannerism whenever he was this close to Star. Her hair was just too soft for him to resist.

"What do you wanna do today?" the blonde asked, looking up at him.

"Well, you've been having a dull day, why don't we do what you wanna do?" he shrugged, gazing down at her blue orbs.

Star smiled at him. This boy was just too sweet. She sat up and moved closer.

"In that case, I wanna stay here and cuddle with you." with that, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into the crook of his neck, indulging in his sweet smell and enjoying his comfortable warmth.

Marco's eyes widened. He's face was completely red and he froze there on the spot. Blinking a few times, he managed to calm his self down a little. Smiling brightly, he hugged Star back and laid on the couch.

What did he do to deserve someone like her?

Oookay! I hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you think about this chapter cause I think I'm getting worse at this. Writers block has officially swallowed me, whilst I will slow down on updating. Till next time!


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