6: Seranade

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Marco's POV

"Oh Geez! Don't go that way if you want to live! " screamed a guy, which vigorously shook my shoulders.

I pushed his hands away and laughed nervously. He stared at me and bowed his head.

"I warned you. " he said putting a hand on my shoulder before running away.

"Ooookkkaaayyy.... that was weird. " I said to myself.

Just then, a stampede of students came from the parking lot, covering their ears and wincing in pain. I sighed, not surprised that they were panicking, because of the incredibly bad keytarist, Oskar Greason. I took out a pair of earplugs from my bag and put it on.
Oskar was having a concert on his car, with screaming people as his audience. And to no surprise I saw Star seating close to his car, looking at him dreamily. School was over and as always I came to get her so that we can both go home.

"Star!" I called out.

She put her index finger up, which obviously means to wait a little longer. I checked my watch and sighed.

"I'll just go ahead! I have a lot of homework to do!" I shouted through the incredibly loud, annoying music.

"Yeah... You go do your thing." she said dreamily, hard to hear but I could still make out what she said.

I rolled my eyes and started walking home. What does Star see in that guy? He plays the keytar horribly, he's not that charming or attractive, he has mother issues, he cares for his keytar more than anything, and he only lives in a stinky car full of filth. I mean, Star can do better. If anything star should like me!... Wait.... Dang it!!! What are you thinking Diaz! I can't just decide who Star likes! What's happening to me? A few months ago I was drooling over Jackie and now I'm having feelings for my best friend!
I sighed as I turned the knob on the front door. I greeted my parents and slowly walked up the stairs.

"Honey? Why so sad? Is something bothering you?" my mom asked as she was drying the dishes.

"I... I don't know. Things have been pretty emotional." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"I know the feeling. " mom started.

"Let her see that you care for her, and if she picks another guy then she's not the right one for you. "

My eyes widened. It's like mom read my mind and knew the problem in an instant. She was right! I shouldn't be staying here. I should go and tell Star how I feel.

"How about you sing for Star?" mom interrupted.

"W-what? How did you know that it was Sta-" but before I could finish she cut me off by raising her hand

"Mother instincts." she said with a smile.

"Now go get her!" she shouted pointing to the guitar.

I nodded, grabbed the guitar and went to the door.

"I want royal-blooded, magical grandchildren!" my Dad popped out from the couch.

I could feel my face burn.

"Daaad!!! " I screamed

"Don't worry Marco! We won't let you until your 18!" he continued with a laugh.

I face palmed and went stomping out the door.

Star's POV

It was sunset. I went to my room, walking as if in a daze. I plopped myself into bed and started drifting into a peaceful slumber.
I woke up, hearing music from outside. With the moon illuminating the sky. I went up to my balcony, curious where the sound of strums from a guitar was coming from. As I made my way closer, the music grew louder. I looked down only to see that no one was there.

"Hhhhmmmm... That's weird"

Just then Marco came out from under my terrace, softly playing a guitar. I didn't even know he could play a guitar! My eyes opened wide, cheeks flushing a deep red and I could feel my heart skip a beat. I stood there in shock until..... he started to sing.

Wise men say 'Only fools rush in'
But I can't help falling in love with you.
At this point I started to tremble.

Shall I stay, Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea, Darling so it goes
Some things were meant to be.

My eyes grew wider. Suddenly the magical creatures, that I created since I came to Earth, started piling themselves to form a staircase.

Take my hand, Take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you

My heart started to beat faster, as he came closer with each step.

Like a river flows, Surely to the sea
Darling so we go
Some things were meant to be

Take my hand take my whole life too Cause I can't help falling in love with you
Cause I can't help falling in love with you.

Just then Marco caught attention to a lot of people, which where now cheering in the background, along with his parents and almost everyone in school.

"Hey Star." he said with a smile and handed me a blood red rose.

"Wow, I didn't know you were in this romance stuff. " I giggled

"Well yeah, I had to do it, Cause I can't help falling in love with you." he finished.

"You know, you didn't have to do this."

"Why not?" he asked with a confused face.

"Because I've already fallen for you, anyway. "

And with that I smashed my lips with his.

It's been a long time since I put an a/n here. Welp! I hope you liked this one-shot. The song is Can't Help Falling in Love/ Fools Rush In by Elvis Presley. Although I like the cover of Twenty One Pilots better. I'm running a bit out of schedule with my updating. It's been tiring with the drum and lyre practice for the preparation of the fiesta competition tomorrow, going on. Till next time!!!


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