12: Closet Confession

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Star was laying on her bed, chewing on the tip of her wand, trying to figure out what to do.

The doorbell rang and was answered by Marco. She could here the muffled conversation he had with two other people from downstairs. She sat up wondering who the visitors where.

Her question was answered by Alfonzo and Ferguson smashing open her bedroom door.

"Hey guys!" she waved.

"Hey Star....." Ferguson snickered.

"Do you mind going to the closet and finding me a scarf?" he continued, holding in laughter.

"Why?" she tilted her head, like a curious puppy.

Marco appeared, panting and resting hands on the door frame.

"Star. Don't. Listen. To..." he breathed out.

"The... Mmmmmpphhh!!!" Alfonzo covered his mouth.

"Don't mind him! His crazy!" Alfonzo retorted.

"Ooookkkaaayyy... I'm just gonna go get your scarf." Star replied, backing away and heading to the closet, leaving her wand behind.

Alfonzo put his hand away from the brunettes mouth, and quickly cuffed his hands to his back.

"What the?! Where'd you get the cuffs?" the brunette screamed.

"You're gonna tell Star exactly what you feel!" the two said in unison and dragged Marco to the closet.

He struggled, surprised that the two had a firmer grip than him.

Finally after lots of groaning and struggling to get free, they finally arrived at the front of the closet.

"Hey Ferguson, I found you--" Star appeared from the closet.

The two released his handcuffs and tossed him in the closet, locking him inside with Star.

Marco groaned after the hard fall. He realized the floor was suddenly warm and had a...heartbeat!...Was the floor alive?! He looked up, realizing he was laying on top of his best friend. Instead of backing away, he looked directly into the blondes eyes. Getting lost in those electric blue orbs.

Star could feel her face heating up. He'd never been this close to Marco. Her eyes shifted to his lips, oh how he wanted to kiss him so badly right now. She never wanted this moment to end.

"Hey Star! Marco has to tell you something!" Ferguson broke the silence from the other side.

They both looked at the door then back at each other. Marco could feel his blood rise to his face and Star was as red as his hoodie. But Marco didn't budge, he didn't wanna get off of Star.

"Uuuuummmm... Marco, y-you can... g-get off, me now." the blonde looked away.

"What? Oh... Y-yeah...s-sorry." he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Sooo... What did you wanna tell me?" she asked with her cheery voice.

"I... was gonna tell you... to...." he shifted his eyes to anywhere but her.

"To not leave your wand alone. Now we're stuck in here." he pretended to get mad.

Star frowned, looking down.

"Sorry." she muttered.

He could see the hurt in her eyes. Guilt running around his stomach. Why'd he let Alfonzo and Ferguson get the best of him? The only way to get out of here is to tell Star how he really feels about her. But... Won't it ruin their friendship? What if it won't work out? And if Star felt the same way, would it be awkward if they break up? It wouldn't be the same... He would struggle living inside the closet, than tell his feelings to his best friend! Or will he? Honestly... he was faking having a crush on Jackie, the moment Star came to his life. He figured maybe it would make her...jealous? So that Star would make the first move? That's stupid... Everybody knows the guy's the one who should confess first... Well, that's what the movies told him anyway.

Marco sighed and held his head in his arms. It was getting hot, you could barely breathe inside the closet. Although... As much as he wouldn't admit, he was enjoying being locked with Star.

"Hey Marco." the blonde began.

"Don't you still have that Bobby pin in that hoodie of yours? " she pointed.

His eyes lit up and he started shuffling inside his hoodie pocket. Eventually it wasn't there.

"No." he murmured.

Star rubbed her chin, thinking for a moment. Then she started lifting her left leg, and kicking the door, only to jump back on Marco's arms.

"That didn't work." she murmured.

"Sorry guys! The only way you're getting out is if Marco confesses to Star." Alfonzo called out

"Confess?" she stood up

"What do you mean confess?" she looked at Marco.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" she said, Her voice stern with a hint of anger.

"What?... Ppppffttt... I'm not hiding anything." he laughed nervously.

Star stared in disbelief.

"Look, just tell me already so we can get out of here. I'm hungry for nachos." she leaned against the door.

"And you two! You're in a heap of trouble when I get out of here!" she called out to Ferguson and Alfonzo.

"It's worth hearing Marco say he loves you!" Ferguson shouted

"Ferguson!" Alfonzo complained

"Didn't we agree that Marco's the one who should say 'I love you' to Star?" he added.

Star stood there wide eyed. Overhearing their conversation, mad her face red as a tomato. She turned around to look at Marco, who was redder than before. The brunette moved his eyes to the floor, and hiding his burning face over his hood. Star coughed nervously, over thinking what she was gonna say.

"Sooo... judging by your red face, apparently what the two meatballs said was true." she chuckled.

Marco shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket. His face burning by the second. She smiled and moved his chin up, to meet his gaze.

"Don't be embarrassed Safe Kid, I love you too." she quickly pecked his lips.

The brunettes heart was beating as fast as the speed of light. His eyes widened, and he wanted to do that again. Before he could retort, Star cut in.

"But we can only get out of here if you say the same to my face." she added.

He smiled sweetly and held the blonde close.

"I love you, Star." and with that he sealed the space between them.

The two who were currently eavesdropping, opened the door slowly.

"Geez, Marco took you long en-" Ferguson was cut off by the sight of the new couple.

"We should give them some privacy." said Alfonzo as he gently closed the door.

"Dude, we should lock me up with Hope in the janitors closet tomorrow!" the red-head screamed.

Alfonzo rolled his eyes before replying,

"Don't get your hopes up too high"

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter!!! I wish they would have an episode in the second season where Star and Marco actually get locked in a closet and pass the time by sharing their feelings and whatnot. Till next time!!!


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