27: Haunting My Dreams

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Marco opened his eyes, instantly seeing a pair of blue orbs staring back at him.


"Good Morning Marco." the blonde whispered.

"Why are you in my room?" he asked.

"Cause the door wasn't locked." she whispered again.

"U-huh. And why are you on top of me?" he asked, refusing to let his blush appear.

"Cause I wanted to do something." she whispered, slowly grabbing her wand and using it to lock his room door.

She inched closer, her breath tickling his face. Marco blushed madly, and grabbed her shoulders while sitting up.

"What are you trying to pull?" he asked.

The girl pouted.

"You don't want kisses?" she questioned with an adorable tone.

"No! Maybe... Yes! Wait, I don't know!" he spluttered.

The girl giggled and leaned him back on the bed.

"Marco..." she purred in his ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"Wake up."

Marco sat up from his bed. He looked from left to right. Yes, he was in his room, no Star on his bed, and everything is as the way it should be. He laid back down, trying to control his breathing.





Calming his self down, he put a hand on his forehead. This was the fifth time in a row that he dreamt about her. But this time it was intense! His previous ones were all friendly and sweet, but this one crossed the line.

He sighed once more.

It was just a dream... Just a dream... A dream about his best friend almost kissing him! God, why did he dream of such things? And what he hated of all, was that he actually liked it! He literally enjoyed it!

He covered his eyes and shook his head.

"No. No. No. No." he muttered continuously.

"Why did Star have to be so hot!" he whisper-shouted.

"Marcooo!" a voice sang as knocks pounded the door.

"Wake up! Your mom made pancakes!" the voice continued.

It was crystal clear that Star was behind the door.

"Uuuhhh. Coming!" he answered, jumping out of his bed.

After stumbling to get ready for school, Marco fiddled with his hands while walking by the sidewalk with Star. The blonde noticed this and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Marco, is something wrong?" she questioned.

The brunette backed away and shook his hands, sideways.

"I-I'm fine." he looked down, scratching the back of his head.

Star moved closer, concern filled her expression.

"Come on, you can tell me."

"Star, I'm fine. Okay? I...I just need to clear my head." he replied, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away.

Star's gaze followed him. He's been acting really, really weird lately. It's getting annoying, but she can't help but be concerned for him. Well, she is his best friend.

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