19: Alfonzo's Plan

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Laughs filled the hallway. The two best friends were sharing jokes while having a funny conversation. As they came upon the School Laboratory, Star waved Marco goodbye and proceeded to her next subject.

Marco sighed dreamily at her walking figure. The past two years his developed feelings for the princess. The only ones who knew were the entire school except for Star herself.

He walked inside the lab, a dopey grin plastered on his face and sat down beside Alfonzo, still in his dreamy state. The curly haired boy snickered and waved a hand over his friends face.

Marco shook his head and raised an eyebrow at Alfonzo.

"Is it Star again?" he asked with a sly grin.

Marco let out a dreamy sigh.

"Yeah..." he breathed.

Alfonzo let out a laugh.

"Why don't you just ask her already?" he smiled.

Marco looked away, cheeks burning red.

"Easier said than done, Alfonzo." he replied sadly.

Alfonzo thought for a moment then snapped his fingers.

"I got it!" he shouted to no one in particular

"Got what?" Marco asked

"Nothing." Alfonzo stated with a nervous laugh.

Marco dismissed his suspicious actions and continued to drool over Star.

Time Skip

The bell rang, indicating students that class is over.

Marco sprinted to the parking lot to meet up with Star. As he arrived he checked his watch and stepped forward. Suddenly he felt a sack cover his face, his hands were restrained and then everything became black.


Star went to the parking lot. The day was over and so she would meet up with Marco and they'd go home.

"Psssst....Star." someone whispered from behind.

The blonde turned around and saw Jackie walking up to her.

"Oh, hey Jackie!" she smiled.

"Hey girl! Oh! Marco wanted me to give you this." she gave her a scented piece of paper and snickered.

"What's so funny?" Star asked taking the paper.

"Nothing." Jackie shrugged and walked away.

"Good luck on your date!" she called out.

Star's face burned.

"D-date?" she stuttered and looked at the piece of paper.

Meet me at the park. Wear something formal.


If it were possible, Star's face grew redder and she looked around to see if someone was still there. She squealed and twirled around.

Okay, she shouldn't jump into conclusions. Its not a date. Maybe he just wants to talk. But if he wants to talk why does she have to wear something fancy?

She shook her head and darted to the house.


Marco woke up in a tuxedo and he was chaimed to a chair. A table sat in front of him, a candle in the middle and utensils on each end.

"What the?!" he struggled.

"Woah Marco! Calm down, bro." a voice said, coming closer.

"Alfonzo?!" Marco screamed.

"Guilty." the curly haired chuckled.


Alfonzo straightened up.

"You need to confess to Star." he said with stern, pointing an index finger at the brunette's chest.

"In a few minutes she'll come hear and the two of you will have a dinner date and you'll tell her how you feel."

Marco's eyes widened and all the blood rose up to his face.

"She doesn't feel the same! And if she would it would be awkward." Marco retorted.

"You don't know that." Alfonzo replied.

"Its my life! Why do you have to invade my personal space." Marco said bowing his head, tears stinging to fall from his eyes.

Alfonzo put a hand over his shoulder.

"Marco, I'm trying to do you a favor. You gotta admit Star's an amazing person and if you don't act soon, another guy could sweep her off her feet."

Marco nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

"You're right, then can you unchain me now so I can hold hands with my Estrella?" Marco chuckled, a newfound confidence boiling inside him.

Alfonzo freed him and hid behind a bush.

"Marco!" Star shouted as she came upon him.

The brunette was breath taken at the sight of her.

"What's all this?" she nervously laughed.

Alfonzo played a slow song on his phone and nodded at Marco.

Marco took a deep breath and held up a hand for Star.

"May I have this dance m'lady?"

Is that considered a cliff hanger? Oh wells... Hope you liked it. There won't be a part two for this story, in case you're asking. I prefer you, readers, to make your own story of how Marco should confess. Anyways.... Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Till next time.


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