4: The Nacho of My Life

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Marco's POV

"Attention! All students report to the gymnasium. All students report to the gymnasium!" the speakers boomed through the whole school.
I headed to the gym, guessing there was another occasion for the sudden demand. I managed to stumble upon Star at the entryway.

"Hey Marco! You know why the principal made us come here?" she asked with her normal cheery tone.

"No idea, but I guess it's gonna be occasional." I said shrugging.

"Wanna sit over there? " I asked pointing over a vacant spot at the bleachers.

She nodded and we continued heading to our seat. The microphone turned on and sent a screech through out the gym, causing students to cover their ears in pain.

"You came here for a reason" the principal started.

"Everyone of you will participate in the upcoming dance parade in celebration of the Echo Creek Festival."

The gym was now filled with murmurs. My eyes were as wide saucers.

"Oh come on! Really a dance parade?" I complained to no one in particular.

"A parade! " beamed Star. She was now bouncing up and down on her seat.

"The school decided the dance to be by partners, there will be different formations and successions, and it all ends with a bang!" he said with jazz hands.

"One more thing students, Your advisers have personally picked your partners. Now let's get this show on the road!" Principal Skeeves beamed.

The teachers shooed us away from the bleachers and started arranging us by pairs. I wasn't really paying attention at the time.

"Alright students! " the guidance councilor said, clapping, which made me snap back onto reality.

"This is Ms. Jaika. " she said pointing to what seemed like a twenty year old lady, dressed in a blue tank top with military half-pants.

"And this is Mr. Simone" she continued, pointing to a guy who was probably a year older than the girl.

"They will be your dance instructors for the festival. I bid you all a farewell and hope that you will put on quite a show. " she said before leaving the stage.

"Alright then people!" Ms. Jaika said with a stomp on the foot.

"Face your partners!"

I turned to the girl I was paired with. My eyes widened and I started blushing.

"He-hey S-Star.... L-looks like w-we're p-p-partners" I stuttered like a tomato headed idiot.

"Yeah! Wouldn't it be fun?! Good thing Ms. Skullnick knew a guy like you can handle all of this." she said gesturing to her curves, her flawless, perfect curves.

Snap put of it Diaz! I mentally slapped myself for thinking such things. Especially to my girl-- I mean best friend.

"Okay guys put your hands on your partners hips." Mr. Simone said seductively.

Of course, like everyone I obeyed.

"Now girls put your hands on your partners shoulders. "

Star willingly ran her hands from my chess to my shoulders. I could've sworn she gave me an evil smirk and I was blushing like crazy. My face was now burning, and my heart started pounding fast.

Star's POV

"Alright we're gonna Start with basic steps." said Ms. Jaika

"Just follow our lead. " continued Mr. Simone.

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