36: Nerds

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AU Story! Enjoy.

Being the top notcher in every class she attends, Star Butterfly knew perfectly well that she would have rivals in academics. But she didn't know that her rival was such a charmer.
Marco Diaz had just transferred from his previous school to the very famous Echo Creek Academy. The school was well known for all the successful students it had and for its great curriculum. That's why Marco was even transferred in the first place! He was too darn smart for his last school.

Star eyed the boy suspiciously from her seat in the school's cafeteria.

"Look at him, acting all nice and smart. I bet he doesn't even know how to spell chlorofluorocarbons...."

"Uuumm..." Ferguson stated as he tilted his head to the side, confused of what she had just said.

The girl who sat across from Star, cleared her throat. This caught the blonde's attention.

"What?" Star questioned, raising a brow.

"Come on, girl! Give the guy some slack, he just got here."

"Ponyhead, aren't you even nervous if he beats your grades and may lead you to get to summer camp or maybe get you expelled!" Star pulled onto her hair and breathed heavily.

Ponyhead laughed and moved Stars hand to clamp on the table instead.

"B-fly, your overreacting! I've got good enough grades and so do you! I mean you're the best! You don't have to get all worked up just because you met a guy who beat you at a test!"

Star furrowed her eyes and looked at her best friend with an 'are you kidding me' expression.

"I wouldn't say he beat you. You both had an A+++ but he just finished the test first." Ferguson cut in.

Ponyhead nodded in agreement, grabbing a hold of Star's hand. This made the blonde calm down, letting out a sigh. He looked back at Marco who was laughing with his new found friends. She looked at his side and grimaced.

"Even Oskar likes him more than me."

Ponyhead groaned and held Star's cheeks. She turned the blonde's head so that she was looking at her.

"Listen to me, you're to good for Oskar! And enough about the new guy, let's go back to class so that you can forget about this!"

And with that she grabbed the confused Star's hand and stomped off to their next period.

After being forcefully dragged by her best friend to Mathematics, Star plopped herself down on her seat. Since they wear arranged personally by the teacher, Ponyhead sat two tables behind Star.
The blonde inhaled and brought out her Math book to try and forget about their conversation.
Just then the door creaked open and the teacher entered with an all too familiar face following behind her.

"Students, Marco. Marco, students." the woman introduced hastily, showing no sign of interest.

"You sit beside Star."

She sat down on her desk and gestured to the empty seat beside the blonde.
A large frown curved on the blonde's lips. She was internally screaming 'Why?' over and over again.

Marco looked at the teacher confused. Why would Echo Creek have such bad intentioned teachers?

"Oookaay..." he muttered as he headed towards his designated seat.

He sat down and opened his Math book. While he did so, he noticed the girl beside him. She was really cute.

"Hi. I'm Marco Diaz." he introduced, holding out a hand.

"I know Marky, we're classmates in homeroom." Star stated bluntly, not taking her eyes off the pages of her book for a second.

Marco smirked. So this was the girl everyone was talking about. He thought, familiarizing the features she had that his friends described.

"You know, those hearts are really cute." he complemented, leaning his arm on the chair.

Stat flushed, instantly putting down her book, and turning her head towards the brunette

"Look, if you think I..." she stopped mid sentence as she locked eye contact with him.

Star didn't see his facial features clearly because of his large glasses, but now it was crystal clear. His eyes were a deep hazelnut brown that reminded Star of her jovial childhood.

"You're eyes..."

"Mr. Diaz and Ms. Butterfly!"

The two broke eye contact and whipped their heads to see a mad Math teacher, eyeing them with great levels of anger.

"What's the answer to this question?!" the teacher practically shouted and slapped her meter stick towards the blackboard.

After one second of reading the numbers, the two answered in unison.


The woman's eyes widened, she did not expect the two to correctly answer so quickly. Even she took a minute or two to solve it.

"Lucky guess." the woman muttered, turning around and checking her textbook.

The two students both held a laugh, before gazing back at each other's eyes.

"You wanna hang out after class?" Marco asked, cocking her head for a second.

"We have butt loads of homework." Star giggled.

"That doesn't mean we can't hang out." Marco smiled.

Star couldn't help but smile back.

"Its a date."

And I don't know why I did this. I hope you enjoyed.


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