35: Stuttering, Blushing, Staring

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Love. The word sounded foreign for the princess's mind. She didn't know how to really feel to love or to be loved. She knew very well that her parents and friends cared for her. But the love that she was talking about was different. Reading a few books, she had discovered that love was a feeling of strong or constant affection towards a person in some sort of romantic way.

Why did she suddenly wonder what love really was?

Well, after the blood moon ball incident, Star felt different around Marco. Butterflies would dance around her stomach, her face would turn as red as a tomato and she would find herself stutter whenever he talked to her. She was losing her confidence.
Marco grew utterly suspicious to the blonde's sudden change of behavior. More over worried of what was happening to her. Due to his obliviousness, the brunette would tend to invade Star's personal space for answers. Making her crush on him harder.

On a pleasant Saturday afternoon, Star sat on the couch petting one of the laser puppies. She sighed, picking it up to eye level.

"At least you don't have to feel mixed emotions. Everybody loves you." she said, rubbing her nose with the dog.

It barked and licked her face. Star laughed as the puppy jumped and continued to lick her face. The whole litter of them jumped on top of her, playing with her hair, licking her face and barking loudly. The blonde giggled the thought of cute little laser puppies licking her face made her feel happy.

"All right, all right. Break it up!" a familiar voice called out.

All the puppies jumped off of Star and ran to play outside. Star giggled once more before sitting up. She looked to where she heard the voice.

"Oh, h-hey Marco!" she greeted, trying her best not to look like an idiot.

The brunette sat down beside her and placed his arm over her shoulder.

"So, what do you wanna do today?"

His question was left unanswered for Star's brain was ready to explode.
His touching me. His touching me. His touching me! She thought, her face turning to a tomato.

"Um... Star?"

"Sorry-Marco-i-need-to-go-for-a-walk-gotta-go-bye!" the blonde quickly replied as she stood up and ran outside the door so fast that little flames left her trail.

Marco moved to the front door as he saw Star running away from the house.

"Wow, she's fast." Ferguson clarified as he walked up to Marco.

The redhead came over to the house to borrow some sugar. He was greeted with a speedy Star running to who knows where.

"Ferguson, do you have any idea why Star's been acting like this?!" Marco questioned, gesturing to the fire trail that the blonde left.

The redhead blinked once, twice, three times then laughed loudly.

"Dude! Isn't it obvious she has a crush on you!"

"What?! No she doesn't!" The brunette protested.

Ferguson stared at him blankly. He couldn't believe how shallow Marco was.

"Um... Stuttering, blushing, staring." he pointed out, counting the times Star would act all lovey-dovey around Marco.

"Tell me, Marco. How did you act when you had a crush on Jackie."

Marco looked away, recalling the stupid things he did whenever Jackie was around.

"Stuttering, blushing, staring...." he mumbled.

Ferguson smirked, folding his hands across his chest.
Marco blushed wildly in realization.
He stared blankly at Ferguson.


The brunette jumped and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Star has a crush on me!"

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed. I made a new Starco Fanfic called "Hold My Hand". Pls go check it out. Vote and comment what you think. Thanks guys! Till next time!


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