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IT WAS COLD, despite the warm blanket they had thrown over her useless body and she had began to wonder if this was how it was supposed to end. In a shivering mess of coldness, wishing to be back in the Scorch where you overheated. She had never thought she would long to be back under the blazing sun. But in this case, the Scorch had been the best time of her life; stranded alone with nobody to bother her. Nobody to worry over. But there was somebody now, and it sickened her to no end when he went off on his own - the fear stricken feeling present as he did his heroic things she had adored.

Love, it made you weak. She had always said that love was what would be the death of her, and part of it was true. She wouldn't be in this mess if she hadn't fallen so madly in love with someone who wanted to change the world for the better. Someone, who despite had made some wrong choices along the way, had done everything in hopes for the best. Despite working for WICKED. But loving him had turned her corrosive.

Death followed WICKED. You couldn't hide from death, but you sure as hell could avoid it. We were all born to die, and WICKED took advantage of that. That deep empty hollow feeling brewing inside of you when you experience death; WICKED made sure you felt it, that empty feeling. Whether it was you dying, or it was someone around you; WICKED was there to make it happen.

"Deaths...." She whispered, "So many deaths."

The doctor looked down at the crazed woman with a questioning gaze. "What deaths?"

Her head lulled to the side and she tried to lift her arm but it wouldn't move. "Everyone...everyone is dead." She whispered.

"Just stay awake, okay?" The doctor demanded, her grip tightening on the gurney as they rushed down the hallway.

She shook her head with all her energy, "Death is the only way..."

Because death was the only way to truly live in this future. The world was absolute disaster and if you wanted to be free, if you wanted to live without the impending doom, then there was only way out; death. She had given up, after coming so far and she despised it. She despised the fact that all her burning desire for vengeance was slowly disintegrating. It was gone, in a blink of an eye.

She watched the bright lights above zoom past her quickly in the narrow hallway. Her body was heavy, broken, and beaten to a pulp and she was fighting every inch inside of her begging, just begging for her to go to sleep. She hadn't come this far to let it all end. She didn't fight such a tretorous war against WICKED for it to go down like this.

But she couldn't fight it any longer, her time was up; just like Newt's. She couldn't find that inch of strength left to stop them from doing what they are about to do. The only thing she could think about was Thomas. It was so cliche, in her dying moments all she could think about was the boy that broke her into millions of pieces. The boy who didn't say goodbye.

It's funny how we always go back to what broke you. We never learn. Like an open wound, being ripped open once again.

Her mind had been haywire, not in the right place anymore. But you assume that would happen when you've been through absolute hell. The heart of gold was slowly blackening with each and every passing moment out there. The heart of gold that had gotten her into copious amounts of trouble, the heart of gold that let her hold onto that tiny sliver of hope.

In this moment, she finally admitted that she was scared. She was fully aware that we're all afraid - and like Newt and Thomas would say, "If you ain't scared, you ain't human".But no one truly admitted it. They said it outloud, like a simple transition word anyone would say, but did anyone ever mean it? Did anyone open up their minds and let the terrifying inevitable truth of darkness consume them to the point of undeniable madness?

She was going mad, simply mad alongside anyone with the Flare. She was struggling against the bits and pieces of humanity she had left. But sadly, this wasn't from the deadly disease eating away at other's minds. It was because she was living in a word of turmoil. It was unavoidable in this disastrous world; absolute madness.

Her head lulled back and forth as the doctor's head came into her view again and she only groaned, wanting so desperately to bring her boot to her face, but she couldn't. She simply couldn't do anything anymore and she felt so utterly hopeless and weak, she wanted to cry.

"She's losing consciousness." The voice said from above.

Her eyes rolled back and she tried to fight the sleepiness taking over. She didn't want it to get this bad, she never wanted it to end up like this. She never thought that this fight would end up back here where it started, with her on her deathbed.

The doctors began to hurry, rushing the gurney with the injured girl down the hallway at a quicker pace. "We aren't letting the chancellor's only family member die on our watch. Hurry!"

Mataya felt a pang of sadness inside of her for Ava Paige for a split second. Her only family member - the only family member who was immune - was about to die, in her own facility. It was replaced with anger when she realized that Ava herself probably issued the bounty over Mataya's head.

Fire was burning inside of her gut and she wanted to cry out, but she had no strength left to let out even a peep, so instead she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to place her hand on the gaping wound present on her body.

So many injuries; she felt weak. Lately all she had felt was sadness and utter despair. She was slowly losing the person she was, and becoming a whole new person - a person she despised. 

In her final moments of consciousness, all she could remember was her name being called out from behind her, chaos emitting all around her as she tried to see what was happening. She wished that the others wouldn't risk getting caught just for her, she was a lost cause - she was on her deathbed.

Maybe it would be better being dead. Maybe this was meant to be. Mataya had seen the shift between Thomas and Brenda. She could feel the burning passion brewing between them as she stood off to the side, hurting, praying for the best. Maybe she wasn't meant to be with Thomas, maybe she wasn't meant to say goodbye.

There was this darkness inside of her, which was always growing. And everyday she had fought, fought against the void to make sure it didn't consume her entirely.

She felt a jolt of strength surge inside of her and she lifted her arm slowly towards the gas mask placed on her face. She pulled it up, her arm shaking with her movements. The doctor looked down at her and leaned closer, trying to listen to her wishes.

The doctor placed her ear close to Mataya's mouth and she could hear her name being called again. She lifted her head a bit, seeing the big double doors in front of her. She looked up at the doctor and felt her energy begin to go.

"Don't let them save me."

And just like that, blackness consumed her, and she was left in the abyss of her worst nightmares.

- - -

Dedicated to every single one of you that waited for the sequel and put up with me.

Enjoy the shit show that's called Subjects Vengeance :)))))))



**** IMPORTANT UPDATED authors note: this was started BEFORE the last movie was released, I would highly recommend having TDC book nearby for the first half and a bit or it won't make sense at all. The movie gets tied in near the end. ****
Due to copyright (just to save my ass haha) I also didn't want to have to write out majority of the book for each chapter so that's why I seriously recommend having the book near by, sorry guys.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now