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"You are kind, you know;
The soother of those that never bothered to check the aching inside of you."

"GALLY, what the hell?" Mataya said, releasing the blade from the guards neck and pushing the man away from her.

Gally and Thomas looked at one another and then Thomas was rushing towards him, his fist flying back and making contact with his face as Gally flew back onto the floor. Quickly, Thomas was on top of the boy, his fist lifting again. Newt pushed through the crowd, his hand grabbing Thomas fist as a guard also stepped forward, holding his gun out.

"Woahwoahwoah, stop. Tom, stop." Newt pleaded, his chest heaving up and down as he looked at Thomas.

Thomas didn't dare look away from the boy under him.

Mataya placed her hand on Brenda's shoulder, her lips going closely to her ear as she spoke. "And people say I'm losing it."

"Stop!" Newt said more firmly.

Mataya couldn't hear them as they spoke, but she didn't doubt Thomas's actions. It was well deserved. Gally had made Thomas's life a living hell in the Glade, killed Chuck, met up with them in Denver and then kidnapped them again? She couldn't help but wonder if everyone on this world was absolutely losing it and secretly had the flare.

There was better ways going about getting them back with Gally, but Gally being Gally, had to make it the hard and most stressful way possible.

Thomas ripped his arm back from Newt as Frypan helped him off Gally. Mataya stepped forward, placing her hand on his lower back as they watched Gally get up from the ground.

Gally pursed his lips and looked around the room, "Anybody else?" He asked, "Newt? Fry?"

Mataya stepped forward, "I'd gladly knock you into next week."

"Hows this possible? We watched you die." Newt asked, clearly confused by the supposed dead man in front of them.

Mataya forgot how they weren't given the chance to even tell Newt about Gally rising from the dead. Newt had been waiting for the back on the Berg where he was then taken to the Crank Palace. She felt goosebumps rise at the thought of him in that place. Her heart sank remembering the look on his face. The complete and utter defeat.

"Shit, right. They didn't tell you?" Gally asked, looking at the others. "You left me to die and if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now."

"But you felt the need to kidnap us? We were with you not that long ago, I'm sure we would have went without a fight and unnecessary stress." Mataya asked. Her eyebrow raised in question.

Gally only sighed, "Look, I find that hard to believe with all your death threats. There wasn't time and we can't bring attention to us. We have to stay in the shadows. We were better off taking you when you least expected it then have you protest and try and kill me. What the hell are you guys even doing here?"

"We were told to come here." Mataya began.

Newt nodded, "And now Minho's gone. WICKED grabbed him out there, now we need a way in."

Gally shifted, his eyes landing on Thomas's. "I can help with that. Follow me."

Thomas shook his head, "I'm not going anywhere with you after this."

"Suit yourself," Gally said, his chest rising and then falling. "But I can get you in through those walls." He sighed, his eyes flickering to Newt.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now