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T W E N T Y  S E V E N
"You are brave, you know;
I've seen you dance through the flames that climbed when you set yourself on fire. "

"I THINK what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us." Frypan said, bringing Mataya back to reality. 

"You're welcome." Brenda said from the passenger seat.

Mataya turned from the view in front of her, arms hanging over the middle seat. Her, Fyrpan and Minho had shoved into the back of the truck. Thomas and Newt sat in the backseat as Jorge drove. "So, what was that all about?" 

Newt only looked down at his hands for a moment, silence filling the car. 

Jorge quickly ignored the question, "Don't get your hopes up. That check point back there was the city's last defence, if that was over run chances are the city is too." 

"Yeah, unless they found another way to keep the cranks out." Newt said, finally speaking up. 

Everyone turned to look to the side as a large city came into view. Jorge slammed on his breaks, pulling over to the side of the cliff. Everyone climbed out of the truck. There it was, The Last City. Stood in the middle was large, nice tall buildings and a large wall surrounding it, to keep others out. Outside the wall were more run down, smaller buildings. 

"Jorge, how do we get back in?" Thomas asked. 

Jorge shook his head as he took his gloves off, "No idea, Hermano. Those walls are new, I guess that's WICKEDs answer for everything." 

"Well we ain't going to figure it out from up here." Brenda chimed in.  

"How were you going to get in, Newt?" Mataya asked, her arms crossed against her chest. 

Newt shook his head, "I only followed them because I didn't want to be left alone at the Crank Palace. First they overtook Denver and then we started to make our way here, I lost the only sane ones left and that's when I found myself in the tunnel." 

"Let's go!" Brenda called, as she walked towards the truck. 

Mataya looked at the city in front of them for a brief moment, the way it was probably so full of life. Lives that hadn't known struggle like they did. They sat on their mounts of money, hidden behind the wall of safety. Not once batting their eyes at the ones who suffer beyond. The ones who are poked and thrown into trials to give them a better life. A life for a life. How could that possibly be fair in any way? 

She turned to Newt, "We aren't done with this conversation." She spoke with anger, pushing past the sandy blonde, english boy as she climbed back into the truck. 

And then they took off. 

ONCE THEY got to the city outside the walls, they quickly blended in with the others. It was packed, people with raggedy clothes and dirty hair whized past one another. It had reminded her of the other town they had gone to, when looking for Marcus. Blankets, clothes and clothes hanging from the wires above them. Make shift homes. 

"They hide behind their walls!" A voice boomed from behind them, travelling around the street from a megaphone. 

Everyone turned to the noise, men sat on top of a van with their faces covered with gas masks, guns in their laps as they chanted to the crowd. They all ate it up, some fists flying up in the sky in solidarity as they cheered. 

Thomas grabbed onto Mataya's arm as he tugged her back from the main street, so they wouldn't get in the way or hit. The people around them cheered and clapped, the mans words resonating with them as he bashed the people behind the wall. Hiding like cowards. Amidst the cheering, an obnoxious buzzing sound came from above. Mataya squinted her eyes as she looked up, the drones hovering. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now