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C H A P T E R  F O U R T E E N

"She made broke look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings." 

Glass shattering and electricity crackling filled the Hangar and broke Mataya out of a short daze. She turned away from the blinding lights of electricity and she searched the room in a frenzy. Thomas was being tugged away before he stumbled and fell behind a cargo box for cover. 

She panicked for a second before she did the same, crouching to the ground to save herself from a shock to her body and crawled towards a large wooden crate. 

"Who let 'em loose?" Someone yelled from the box behind her. 

"Hardly think it bloody matters right now!" Newt shouted back. 

She could barely make out what the others were saying, but she could hear the jist of Jorge saying they needed to fight back fast, or disaster was about to strike. She could hear their shuffling feet as  the onslaught stopped momentarily. 

Mataya grew nervous. 

"What do we do here Minho?" Mataya shout back at them. 

Nothing. She could hear shouts from the guards and mumbling from behind her as her nerves grew stronger and stronger with each passing second.

"Okay, I'll fire right, Newt fires left. Thomas and Brenda, you fire over the box. Jorge, you scout a way to get us to your shuck Berg. Mataya, look pretty and charm them with that dazzling smile. Shoot anything that moves or wears black. Get ready." 

Mataya turned her attention towards them. "I hardly think that's fair Minho." 

"I know you can fight, do what you do best. Just don't get shot, and don't stray far away. Got it?" 

Mataya only rolled her eyes with frustration.

"Okay!" Minho shouted. "Now!" 

She watched them as they all stood up but her. She waited a moment as they shot with their Launchers, not pointing in any specific direction. Her head popped over the crate and she watched as the room grew smokey and then suddenly it was lit up with electricity bolts everywhere. 

She got a clear view at everyone and lifted her pistol, leaning her body against the crate as she shut one eye, and fired twice. She bit down on her lip as the bullets went whizzing through the air and sunk into a soldier's leg. She quickly zipped back down behind the crate and leaned against it. 

She caught her breathe, her eye catching Thomas' as he shot again. The Hangar was filled with screams and moans of pain and Mataya got up again quickly, this time standing up and jumping over the crate and crouching behind a large one. 

She turned her head towards the guards and fired a few times, watching the bullets sinking into their flesh. One by one, guards were falling to the ground, clutching their wounds. 

"First everyone reload. Then Newt and I'll cover while Thomas, Jorge and Brenda run to the Berg. Jorge, you get fired up while Thomas and Brenda cover for us from behind that hatch door. Mataya, honey, keep looking pretty up there! You're doing great princess." Minho shouted. "Sound like a plan?" 

Mataya grumbled, "Now's not a good time to call me nicknames, honey." She went down on her knees, her back against the crate as she looked at her pistol. 4 bullets left. She cursed under her breath and placed it on the ground as she swung the Launcher around and opened it. It was fully loaded, but that would last long. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now