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T W E N T Y  F I V E
"Name one hero who was happy." 

MAYHEM HAD erupted around them before Mataya could even get up from the ground. Three of their capturers had walked into the room with big sacks full of stuff, handing stuff out. Another followed with a Launcher and a gun. They swept the room, ears and eyes perked for any oncoming trouble. If only they knew what was to come with Group A. The silence in the room was uneasy as they moved around. Mataya watched as the others began to eat and drink what was given to them without question. 

If only she could trust that easily. 

"Only one of them has a weapon," Minho whispered to Thomas. "And he doesn't look so bad. I bet I could take him." 

The two mumbled back and forth to one another as Mataya watched the kidnappers approach the group of them. The man began to pass out food and water bottles to the group but Minho was quick to swat away the offer. 

Mataya let out a small chuckle as Minho looked at the man with distaste. She shuffled on the ground, about to get up slowly but it all happened so quickly. Minho had suddenly leaped to his feat, soaring through the air to tackle the man holding the Launcher. Mataya's mouth flew open with surprise as she watched the Launcher slip out of the man's grip and discharge, sending a grenade up towards the ceiling, where it cracked and whizzed with lightning. 

Minho's fist flew into the air and crashed back down onto the guys face as he struggled with his other hand to get the mans pistol out of his grip. No one dared moved for a moment, and then the chaos erupted with fire. Three other guars went to go after Minho, but six other people had already pounced on them, throwing them to the ground. Mataya hadn't even registered what to do, and suddenly she was crawling towards the pistol as Jorge helped Minho drag the guard to the floor and was stomping the man's arm until he let it go. Minho swiftly kicked it and Mataya looked up at him with a scowl. 

Brenda had the Launcher in her hand, and Mataya went to get up and chase after the pistol. As she reached down to grab it, a woman had beat her to it. 

"Stop!" She shouted, aiming the weapon at the kidnappers. 

Everything stilled in the room for a second. The others dragged the guards in a pile, leaning their backs against one another. Mataya grabbed the bloody faced guard by the boot and dragged him against the floor with a loud heave towards the other guards. 

"We have to get them to talk and we have to hurry before backup comes." Thomas said. 

"We should just shoot them!" A man called out. Others shouted their agreements.

Mataya placed the bloody guard with the others and stood up, wiping her hands against her pants. "As much as I would love to get such vengeance, they are our only leverage of getting information." 

She watched the others as they grew angry and aggravated. This was about to turn sour fast, they were angry with the outcomes and she couldn't blame them. Thomas walked over to the pile of guards, pistol in hand. Mataya's eyes widened as he lifter the pistol and placed it against the bloody guards temple. 

"Or..." She began. 

"I'm going to count to three. You either start telling what WICKED plans to do with us and where you were going to meet them or I'll pull the trigger. One." 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now