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C H A P T E R  S I X T E E N 
"Sometimes our compass breaks, our steady true north fades. We'll be just fine, it's a matter of time until your compass stands still. "

FROM the moment Mataya awakened that morning, something had felt seemingly off with the world. As the temperatures continue to climb with high extremes, she found it hard to believe that the world was okay. There was an underlying layer of lies being hidden by the president as people continued to wonder simply, what was happening?

People were dying. There was chaos emitting around the world as heat exhaustion struck those not fortunate enough for air conditioning, or simply a place to hide - like shade or a home.

Mataya had always thought that her dad was a bit bonkers when he had designed their family home to be safe in any circumstances. Earthquakes, fires, tsunamis. Anything. The bunker that was down below - just waiting for a disaster to strike.

But she never in a million years thought that one day, it would be used.

She could remember her as a little girl, tugging on her Dad's trousers with a look of curiosity and asked, "Why daddy?"

Her Father placed his arm on her shoulder and smiled, "Because our world is corrupt baby. Never trust anybody with anything. You'll see, one day."

And that day had been today.

When she woke that morning, her baby brother, Clarke, screaming at the top of her lungs - she could already feel the impending doom creeping up inside of her. Sweat trickling down her body. She knew that leaving the house was a bad idea - but they needed things. It had been 2 weeks since she had left her home to get groceries, and it was put off for too long.

With a hope that for once, her Mother wouldn't screw things up, she placed Clarke in the crib in the corner of her Mother's room and picked up the empty bottles from the floor. The baby monitor clutched in her hand.

"I'll only be an hour. Clarke naps for 2 hours, sometimes 3. I'll be home before then. Don't do anything stupid, please."

For a young girl, Mataya was smart, strong and well off her on her own. Despite having Clarke.

So with a heavy heart, she left her Mother and baby Brother alone in the safest home possible and made her way to the store.

When she was halfway home, that was when chaos had struck. A white, bright light enveloped around everyone as she shut her eyes in fear. The heat was almost sickening her as she kept her eyes clenched shut and a grocery bag shielded her face.

It was a few moments, of a loud ringing in her ears before the world was welcomed again and all she could hear were screams. All she could hear was disaster.

Looking around her, people were scattered everywhere. Running, screaming, crying. Some on the ground, unconscious. Some dead. Flames danced in the radiating heat. The world almost seemed like it was ending.

It took Mataya longer than she had expected to take home, despite running and speed walking. She had seen utter disaster and heartbreak on her way there but she made it.

Turning on the tv with Clarke by her side, the only channel available was the News. She turned it up, sitting on the couch. The bottom read, "BREAKING NEWS: SOLAR FLARES."

"Sadly, this is not a drill. Solar Flares, also known as Sun Flares have erupted around the World and Scientist are urging families to stay inside and remain calm. A Tsunami has hit the lower tri state area of New York. We are urging you to please, do not leave your homes and find cover. Outside is not safe." 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now