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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y  O N E
"Life just hurts people and hurts people until it finally hurts them so that they can't 
be hurt anymore. That's the last and worst thing it does."

MATAYA FELT dizzy all of a sudden, the air knocked right out of her chest. She stumbled back onto a cot, her hands gripping onto the side of the cot with strength. Like if she let go, everything would collapse around her. 

"Deep breaths Newt, you can do it." 

"No, I bloody can't do it Mataya. I can't do anything right. I can't be a leader like Minho and Tommy, I can't be a protector, I can't do anything but sit back and watch everything go to klunk." 

One breath in, one breath out. Her knuckles went white as she gripped onto the cot tighter and tighter, finding it incredibly hard to breathe. 

One breathe in, One breath out. Her eyes close, shutting the outside world out and she can see him, standing at the end of the room. That bright, smile - oh, that bright, bright, beautiful smile - delicately placed on his face, not a single worry in the world.

Hot breath fanned across her neck and she was tugged forward, coming in contact with the beautiful blonde with bright green eyes. 

One breath in, one breath out. She could feel his presence around her. This warm aurora that brought happiness, joy, safety. Mataya wanted to wrap herself up in it, like a blanket. Consuming her, saving her. 

Hands slowly sliding up the girl's arm, she gripped onto her hair and pulled her closer than ever. Their lips moulded together with such fire, Mataya began to grow hot in the room. 

One breath in, one breath out. His hand reached out, and she lifted her arm to touch him, but they didn't reach. She could feel him slipping through her fingers. That aurora burning out. But he didn't know that she would burn out too. 

Shutting her eyes she shook her head, trying to rid of the thought. It was a hallucination, it had to be. Opening them she was greeted with sandy blonde hair. 


"Mataya?" His raspy voice awakens her from the daydream. She can only press her lips into a smile, her eyes opening as she turns to him. "You okay?" He asks, making her heart clench. 

She was far from okay. This never ending void has trapped her deep. The real Mataya, locked away deep within her, as this empty shell of a human being replaces her. She only nods, removing her tight grip from the cot and wiping her hands against her dirty jeans. "Just worried, that's all." 

Thomas smiles, but it doesn't reach his ears. It's forced, like most things. "We will be there soon." He mutters, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine." It's a whisper, not only to Mataya but himself. A skeptic whisper, trying so desperately to believe that everything, indeed, will be okay. 

THE COMPOUND, or the Crazy Crank Town, as Minho had called it, was nothing pretty. To what seemed like a never ending row of dilapidated houses lined the place. Broken glass, ratted garbage and some splattered blood was littered amongst the streets. The group walked closely together, eyeing the empty streets as the guard took them further and further away from the Compound exit, and closer to Newt. 

After the guards had so kindly explained that Newt simply told them to bugger off, they found themselves going deeper and deeper into the Compound. The houses getting shabbier and dirtier. People laid on the streets, dirty. They gazed up at the streets with glazed eyes, feeling no sense of living when their minds ran amuck. They passed a few scary stragglers, torn clothes, matted hair, and eyes that somehow told a thousand words - without having to speak, Mataya felt the sorrow that settled deep down. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now