AN: Thank you!

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Holy shit! It feels so weird to click complete on this story. 

And the story of Mataya is done!! *que tears* It's officially over. 

Not entirely sure how I feel but I am so so so grateful for the people who enjoyed her story just as much as me. Grateful to the people who stuck with me for the 5 years it took to write both of these stories.

There was a point where I didn't think I'd ever be able to finish her story, hence the 3 year hiatus but I did it! 

Few lil story notes;

Teresa showed Thomas the way so he could say goodbye to Mat after Janson told her she was dying because Teresa deserved the redemption tbh. Mats with her family and Newt, which is what is holding me back from S O B B I N G like a baby.

I wanted you guys to see the correlation from the prologue to the epilogue, the epilogue has a huge chunk from the prologue (and all bits from the beginning of some of the chapters aka the flashforwards) but I wanted to show how in the beginning it went from her not being ready to die - she was fearful, sad, insane. But now that all the events have unfolded for you guys in the chapters, all the pieces are together, so she's ready and accepted her fate. She's accepted that she could no longer be a piece in their game so she let herself die. 

I knew from when I ended the first book that I wanted Mataya to die, I don't like altering events in books and I had to do it in this story which kind of sucked but it really worked out and I'm very content with this story.

There was a slow burn between Thomas and Brenda and I really enjoyed that, I think they make a cute little pair and I wanted that to happen with Mataya and Newt as well. I 100000% shipped Newt and Mat more than her and Thomas so, although there was a very rapid and quick "oh shit I love Newt" moment in the book, it's actually been building from the beginning of the story. (I know most of you also shipped Newt and Mat hehe. Still dreaming of both their kissing scenes)

Thank you thank you thank you. Truly. This story ends a chapter for me. It's very bittersweet. The people who listened to my rambles about this story and helped me bring it to life are long gone from wattpad now (as am I tbfh) but i am eternally grateful for the help they offered. ST is like my second successfulish (wouldn't actually go that far but) book i've written since I started writing fanfiction when I was like 12.

Subject Terminated is currently #1 on the scorch trials tag and I am in disbelief, so thank you for that. The support means the world to me! The comments on that story bring me L I F E so I'll defs come back every once in a while to read them. 

I might post some bonus chapters from when I was writing a third book (which I won't be publishing) if people are interested. Just let me know!

Thank you all again.

Much love, Kat. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now