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T W E N T Y  N I N E 
"You are more, you know;
More than this, more than you hold back from being." 

Without you - Ursine Vulpine and Annaca

MATAYA HELD TIGHTLY onto the teddy bear with the grips of her fingers she had left, her baby brother wrapped tightly in a blanket and against her chest as she followed Ava through the bright white hallways, the sound of her heels clacking against the linoleum echoing around them. 

Her body wanted to shake with fear but she didn't want to wake her brother from his peaceful slumber. He was so clueless to it all. Every last bit of it. 

The events that played out a few days before played on a continuous loop. Her mother, the black veins. The vacant eyes. And then the blast. Blood. It replayed over and over and over until she wanted to claw and claw until she could rip out this brain of hers. 

She just wanted it all to end. She wanted to be wrapped in between a blanket in between her parents arms. Just loved and cared for. But they were both gone and all she had left was Clarke. Her fear was directed towards Ava, she watched the joy in her eyes as she helped the two children into the large van after gathering some things. She was happy. Ecstatic. She simply didn't care about the death of her own flesh and blood. The person she was raised with. Her only living family member left. 

Ava's white jacket was mid length and flowed behind her like a cape. Like she thought she was a hero or something. She pushed against a door and stepped inside. Mataya stopped, her eyes peering in with apprehension. 

In the room was a boy, sandy blonde hair. Ava turned and narrowed her eyes, motioning with her hands for the girl to come inside the room. "Don't be rude, Mataya." 

The girl shuffled forward, her grip tightening on her brother. 

"Mataya, this is Newt. He's new here just like you. Most of the other kids have been here for quiet some time now so you two stick together, all right?" Ava put her hand on Mataya's back and shoved her forward roughly. "You guys are buddies now." 

Mataya lifted her fingers in a wave. The boy smiled shyly, his face burning red. He looked scared and sickly.

"This is my baby brother Clarke." Mataya mumbled quietly, looking down at the sleeping boy. He was one now, but he was always a baby in her eyes. 

"Hi, I'm Newt." 

THE BRUNETTE grew aggravated by the way Ava had all control over her life. Every aspect, Ava had a say in. Who her friends ended up being, what she could and couldn't remember. As much as Mataya was proud of herself for finding a family outside of her deceased ones, there was that constant nagging about how Ava had made it. It was Ava who crafted this. 

And although she wasn't the one who created the bond, the moment and the memories, she had a say. 

She sat up from her seat, suddenly needing to distract herself for all things Ava and WICKED. As much as she hated Ava and wanted her dead, Mataya wanted answers, and she was going to get them. Quietly she escaped the others as they sat and anxiously waited for Gally, Newt, and Thomas to return. 

The room of plants welcomed her once again and she took in a deep breathe. The clean air and roses swirled around her as she made her way over to Lawrence. He was bent over the roses again, clipping away. Finally sensing her presence, he stopped, straightened up and help out the rose he had clipped. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now