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C H A P T E R  N I N E T E E N
"You are human. You are not weak for feeling things. So get angry, make people regret ever
wronging you. Be happy. Smile so bright that the sun is jealous. Be sad. Crack, crumble, cry until your heart is no longer heavy. Never let this cruel world steal your spark."

THE DOOR SWUNG OPEN and hit the brick wall beside it with a large bang. Thomas' grip on Mataya's upper arm only tightened as she winced, feeling his uncut nails digging into her flesh, drawing blood. They rushed down the stairs and she was whiped to the side, her hair catching in her mouth as he pushed her with force. 

"What the hell was that Mataya?" He asked, his voice booming in the alleyway. 

Mataya couldn't help but grind her teeth together. "I didn't do anything wrong Thomas, pipe down." 

He shook his head, his grip leaving her arm as he stepped closer to her. Mataya's back touched the cold brick wall behind her. "Me? Pipe down? What has gotten into you? Making threats, picking fights....almost killing people out of enjoyment." His eyes softened, "I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore." 

"How are we supposed to win a war if we are following every rule in the rule book? I'm not going to be happy and smiling through this journey anymore. I'm done with being optimistic and full of butterflies and a gold, shiny heart." She placed her hand on his chest,  "Things like war change people, Thomas. I'm not going to apologize for changing in such a traumatic time and I sure as hell am not going to apologize for threatening your psychotic looking friend back there." 

Thomas' eyebrow only raised. "I told you we could trust him." 

"No, you said that we needed someone who knew the city and that it couldn't possibly be a trap because, oh golly gee it's shucking Gally!" She waved her hands in the air and then rolled her eyes when they smacked down to her side. "Gally sure has a great track record, Thomas. Since you got in the Maze, he's hated you." 

"Mataya, he gave us valuable information. The multiple threats weren't necessary." He gave her a pointed stare. "And the many death glares throughout that meeting." 

"I made one threat, Thomas. One!" She claimed, her eyebrow raising. 

It was Thomas' turn to roll his eyes. "It was multiple. You kept interrupting him saying you would cut his fingers and toes off one by one if he was lying." 

Mataya's face was straight, her eyebrow raised still. "So? That's not even a scary threat." She shrugged, her gaze looking over to the others waiting. "You should try living in an abandoned warehouse with thugs." Her lips curled into a smile. 

Thomas' head shaked, "Oh my god...you are ridiculous. No more threats unless it's seriously necessary." 

"It's always necessary Thomas. It's a war. Like I said, we can't keep following the rules." She placed her hand on his arm. "You are my boyfriend, not my boss. If you are going to do what feels right, so will I." 

Thomas was hesitant, but none the less sighed and nodded once. "Fine, I guess that's fair. But please, don't threaten Hans." 

Mataya only smiled, "I can't make promises I potentially can't keep." She waved at the others and stepped past the brunette, letting them know they were done talking. She stopped, turning back to him. "Oh, and Thomas?" 

He raised both eyebrows, "Yeah?" 

"Grab my arm and push me like that again, I won't hesitate to cut your finger and toes off one by one and feed them to you." Her lips twisted into a smile and she turned to walk away. 

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now