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C H A P T E R   O N E
"I guess that's the part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up."

IN MATAYA'S DARK SLUMBER, she was brought back to simpler times in life. When things weren't going to absolute dirt. Where they all had at least some sort of control over the situations happening around them. When they didn't know that the war they were fighting would cause more bloodshed than the Maze itself.

The car ride was bumpy and she leaned her head against the window and regretted it instantly, the truck going over a pothole making her head go smashing against the glass. A dull ache was present and she pulled her head off the cool glass, rubbing the small bump that was beginning to form.

She felt a hand place against her thigh and she looked over at the brunette boy. His face was a mixture of concern and sadness, and frankly, Mataya didn't blame him. Her sight flickered to the back of the car to look at Newt, his gaze outside the moving vehicle.

"Are you sure you want to do this Thomas?" She finally asked, the tension in the car thick. "This isn't our greatest plan ever..."

Thomas shook his head, fed up with the questions. "Yes Mataya, now stop worrying about the plan."

Mataya had to hold back her snort of laughter, instead she gripped his hand. "The plan isn't even a plan, it's a suicide mission."

There was a sigh from behind her and she looked over at Newt for back up. He only shrugged, the same look of sadness etched on his face as he turned his attention back outside the window. Mataya huffed in annoyance, anger bubbling inside of her from his lack of backup.

Her gaze flickered over to Brenda and she looked away quickly, not happy with the brunette and her relationship with the boy beside her. It saddened Mataya that Brenda didn't approve, and she had wondered if it had to do with her undeniable feelings for the boy. Or the flare that was slowly eating away at her brain, making her go simply insane.

She had the bliss though, and although she would need more, it slowed the disease. No matter what happened, no matter how much Brenda ignored the girl, she still cared and ached for her safety and approval.

"She's right hermano." Jorge said from the passenger seat.

Mataya almost let out a 'ha!' of approval, but she bit her tongue to hold herself back. She turned back to Thomas, her grip tightening on his hand. "I want Minho back as much as you do but this plan could ruin everything that we fought for."

"Or kill us."

"We get it Jorge." Thomas snapped, his eyes narrowing into slits as he looked over at him with a disapproving look. "We don't know what WICKED is going to do with them and I'm not risking losing another person because of their sick games."


"No." Thomas cut her off, his disapproving stare now on her. "If you don't like the plan then don't go. I don't want you to risk your life for a mistake I made anyways."

Mataya could feel her heart shattering by the second as he continued to look at her with that gaze. She felt weak, heartbroken almost at his sudden change in behaviour towards her. It was only mere days ago where they were wrapped up together, embracing each other - tell each other how much they loved one another. But it's all different now.

She quickly looked away, her gaze diverted back outside at the passing scenery, her heart clenched in pain as she shut her eyes, and leaned her head against the cool glass once more. She let her hand slip from on top of his, and she placed it in her lap, a void replacing that once heart of gold.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now