► ii

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"Most guys run from fights. Because they don't want the answer to be the inevitable question that, am I one of the weak, or am I one of the strong."

THE DOCTORS HOVERED OVER HER BODY, afraid that one wrong slip would cause catastrophe all around them. They couldn't have that happened, not when it was Chancellor Paige's only family left on their operation table. Maybe that was why they were so nervous, so afraid to make a simple mistake - because if Mataya Paige died, it would be on them, and their lives would be ended plain and simple.

"We're losing her." The nurse said, her eyes frantically looking back and forth at her tablet as her vitals began to lower.

The surgeon shook his head, his hand beginning to shake. "Come on Mataya, stay with me."

The beeping of the monitor began to quicken as the doctors grew more and more nervous, trying to find the source of the problem as Mataya Paige continued to fight the inner demons in her dark slumber.

They stood outside the doors of WICKED headquarters, yet no one made a move. Like they were scared that one simple twitch would end them all right there. Finally after a moment or so, Brenda stepped forward - clearly frustrated they were in such a stupid predicament - and banged her fist against the dark glass of the door.

Mataya grew more nervous that she had been standing there, and she let go of Thomas' hand, not wanting to seem weak in front of whomever opened the door. Thomas only glanced over at her, obviously confused, but he ignored it and sucked in a breath when the door opened to reveal Janson himself.

He only smiled, with his rat looking features and moved to the side, gesturing with his hand for them to enter the building.

Not a single person moved at first, still scared and mad at themselves for being in such a situation but Thomas moved first, stepping inside the enormous building with his head held high. The others followed, but Mataya stayed put, her feet glued to the ground as she tried to talk herself into it.

She needed to be strong, show them that she wasn't afraid. After Aris stepped inside, Janson's eyes flickered up to Mataya's and she only narrowed her eyes, stepping inside also. Nostalgia and anger was all she felt when she stepped inside, her hand gripping the knife tightly as she moved away from Janson and stood closer to Aris.

"What a pleasant surprise." Janson muttered, his hands clasped together in front of him in a professional manner that pissed her off to no end. "I'm glad you made the right choice of coming back."

"Where's Minho?" Thomas asked, his tone cold and harsh as he spoke.

Janson only ignored the teenagers question, turning towards and guard and motioning his hand forward towards the group. Anxiety bubbled inside of her as more guards appeared in the all too familiar black uniform, march towards them, launchers in hand as they did so.

"Thomas?" Mataya asked, her voice laced with worry as a guard grabbed onto her arm roughly and tugged her forward, making her trip on nothing. "Thomas what's happening?"

The guard grabbed her wrist, twisting it back, creating a searing pain throughout her arm. She whelped, her fingers loosening her tight grip on the dagger making it fall to the ground. The guards all rushed forward, grabbing the weapons from the rest of the group with no hassle. Thomas struggled a bit, but eventually the backpack was ripped off his body and he gave up, pulling his arm away from the man.

Thomas narrowed his eyes at Janson when Mataya was dragged forward, her teeth clenching together in anger. The cold feeling of the launcher was pressed against her back and she tried to shuffle away from it. The metal was only pressed roughly against her skin every time she tried to move.

Subjects Vengeance // The Death Cure [2]Where stories live. Discover now